some posts may contain affiliate links, i may recieve a commision on them at no extra cost to you.


I'm Laura and this is Side Street Style is a modern parent lifestyle and travel blog.

I'm a South African expat living in Wales is freelance writer and have visited 26 countries and have been lucky enough to live and work in Cape Town, Amsterdam, Nice, Edinburgh, Cornwall and I am now based in Cardiff, Wales. I have two son's and we enjoy outdoor pursuits such as skateboarding and paddle boarding as well as exploring new places.

I am a Feminist who is passionate about equality, woman rights and mothers rights for flexible working, safe travel and being seen more than just mothers. Also I view travel as one of the best educations for all ages. I am also ethically conscious and attempt to make sustainable choices whenever possible.

This is my online inspiration board, a melting pot of everything worth saying. So get in touch and drop me an email at either

Britmums BIBS award winner 2015
MADS Blog Awards Finalist 2013 and 2014
Candis magazine Blog Awards Finalist 2013
Wales Blog Awards Finalist 2010.

The blog has been featured in

Dramatic Heart Of Wales Feature
McArthur Glen Feature 
Cardiff Life magazine
Wales Online
Huffington Post Magazine
Day Out With The Kids
Bloggers Lounge Interview
HIBS100 Interview
Hiscox Cover Story
Interview on A Village Town
Muddy Puddles Blog Feature
Brabantia Blog

I also work as a freelance writer and has written for

Buzz Magazine, The Skinny, Turn magazine, Cape Chat,,, Argos, Travelodge, Millenium Hotels, KLM city guide,
Huffington Post, Laura Ashley, Very magazine

Laura has also spoken on the subject of blogging at the Bristol WI and BlogConf Conference and have been a speaker on the panel of Wonders Of Event in Cardiff 

buzzoole code

Would you like to comment?

  1. Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog. Luv this b&w photo :)


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  3. hi, this is roxy from teacups and couture- I put up your link as requested- would you return the favor and link to me , as well?
    thanks much,

  4. hello i didn't get what exactly this website say.
    if somebody can assist

  5. Such a warm, cozy blog - I love it!

  6. Hi, Laura. I have a special request and will need for you to send me an email.

    I am requesting permission to reprint a photo in a book about children's art that I am writing. I can show you which one and talk about all the details as soon as I hear from you.

    Thank you!!
    MaryAnn Kohl

  7. Laura, what a delightful family, and an equally beautiful and delightful blog! Thank you for sharing a bit of your life. It's wonderful. Kimm @married2theblog

  8. nice family blog and a cute baby!

  9. Love your blog - just discovered it through #MondayEscapes - and love the featured pic!

  10. Love your blog, it looks so fresh! Just came across your blog on the BiB 2016 finalists list. Wishing you lots of luck for Saturday and will make sure I say hi if I bump into you. Newbie blogger Sunita

  11. Hi Side Street Style Team,

    My name is Anuj Agarwal. I'm Founder of Feedspot.

    I would like to personally congratulate you as your blog Side Street Style has been selected by our panelist as one of the Top 100 Lifestyle Blogs on the web.

    I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world. This is the most comprehensive list of Top 100 Lifestyle Blogs on the internet and I’m honored to have you as part of this!

    Also, you have the honor of displaying the badge on your blog.


  12. Hello Laura and John. I like your blog very much, you have an interesting content here. I just wonder if it is possible to submit a guest post on your blog? I couldn't find your email adress here, so it would be nice to hear from you

  13. Hi, can you please advice where can I see the review for Sock Geeks Many thank Paula


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