I love gardening, it's a natural mood booster and a hugely rewarding activity. I only have a small garden but every year I plant veggies and herbs to eat and make the most of the small space, I love being out in the fresh air and connecting with nature. Gardening has been a learning process of what does and doesn't work, of trial and error. Last year I had a bounty of onions and garlic so thought I would share five fascinating facts about garlic in the garden.
In terms of timing, autumn planting garlic for the spring/summertime is best. It is important to plant your garlic before the ground freezes so that cloves can establish roots and then go dormant over the winter months, resulting in bigger, more flavourful bulbs in the spring/summer. Garlic is also an easy crop that requires minimal maintenance over the cold period.
Extend Your Growing Season
Winter gardening allows you to extend your growing season with cold-hardy plants. Along with garlic, you can grow spinach, kale, and winter lettuce in cold frames or greenhouses, which can give you fresh produce even when it is cold outside. It is worth learning about companion planning, which involves pairing plants close together for mutual benefit - this could involve flowers near crops to attract pollinating insects. There are various combinations that can work well together during the colder months.
Improve Soil Health
In addition to being a delicious ingredient, garlic can be an excellent crop for soil health. This is because it has a deep root system that breaks up compacted soil, allowing for better drainage. Additionally, it has natural pest-repellent properties, which can deter soil pests and benefit the garden eco-system. Here are a few other natural pest repellents for your garden.
Combat Winter Blues
Many people struggle with their mental health during the winter months, which is understandable. Gardening can be an excellent way to combat your winter blues as it encourages time in nature, which is proven to be beneficial for physical and mental health. Additionally, it is an active hobby and one that can be highly rewarding. Getting outside and tending to garlic and other winter-hardy plants provides a sense of accomplishment and a connection to nature, even in colder weather.
People often spend a lot more time inside during the winter months, which can lead to cabin fever. Gardening allows you to spend more time outdoors (even just in the garden), which can make a huge difference to your well-being.
As you can see, garlic is a great plant to grow in your garden at this time of the year. Not only is this one of the tastiest and most commonly used ingredients in many dishes, but it is also a plant that can be rewarding to grow and could even improve the health of your garden as well as give you a mental health boost during the colder months of the year.