The Joys Of Eating Street food!


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street food

I'm going to put it straight out there: I love street food, especially when travelling and exploring a new city or destination. Street food offers a budget-friendly way to eat local delicacies and try new dishes and great for when you. are hungry and on the go. 

With the growing trend of street food around the globe, making it more accessible, you can find a street food venue almost anywhere these days. You can enjoy a fresh and spicy Mexican taco, a plate of delicious pad Thai, or a hot Cuban sandwich just by walking down a busy street! 

As I've mentioned not only are these street food options extremely tasty, they are also great value for your money! You can enjoy a lovely breakfast roll, or a quick beef kebab lunch just by strolling down to your local food market's street food stands, or mobile food trucks when you happen on them! The search can be part of the fun, but you never need to look too far to find great street food, that's how popular a movement it's become!

street food

Street food has become so popular worldwide that you can even purchase a street food franchise that allows you to set up shop wherever you happen to be with an authentic menu that's guaranteed to please!

As much as I love home cooking, there is something special about eating food that has been made for us by a highly experienced cook who specializes in their menu's set of dishes. There is a professional quality to it that lends it a touch of class, even when enjoyed standing on a sidewalk! There is also the fact that eating out in a restaurant can be expensive, and not something people can always afford to do or your keeping to a small budget while travelling, making street food a very financially attractive option- plus it usually tastes fantastic!

There is also what could be called the 'picnic factor' the added allure of eating food outdoors in open space al fresco. If there is a public park nearby it's easy enough to carry your street food to it and have a real, urban picnic under the trees or by the fountain! Street food provides an avenue for releasing food and its makers from the kitchen's confines out into the plain view of the public eye. It's fun to see your meal being made for you right in front of you, and feeling like you are somehow a part of the process instead of waiting for the food to emerge from the secretive realm of a restaurant kitchen, then eating it while sitting at a table for an extended period of time with a napkin in your lap. Street food frees the cooks and the customers from the dull waiting game of table service and lets you enjoy some fresh air along with terrific tastes!

street food

When you eat street food you have the opportunity to actually talk with the chef, to ask questions and see how it’s done right in front of you, a live show that is a delight for more of your senses than just taste! Street food vendors all agree that cooking outdoors for a customer they can interact with is far more satisfying than working alone in a restaurant kitchen hidden from view!

Street food is fun, now go eat some!
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