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5 ways to live more sustainably in 2024


* This post may contain affiliate links.  

Now more than ever we know we need to do what we can in terms of cutting down our personal impact on the earth and that some of our daily habits need to be changed to encourage this. However, it's not a bad thing, in fact, these changes usually have a positive effect all round and are fairly easy to implement. Changes like this also need to be seen as long-term goals and nothing one and one situation - I've already do most of these things. 

So here are 5 ways to live more sustainably this year

1.  Travel - focus on flight-free destinations and reduce your car use 

We all love to go on holiday but if you are based in the UK with Europe right on your doorstep, there are so many ways to completely cut out flying while still enjoying a sunny destination while taking advantage of the fantastic trains and bus networks across Europe. Travelling by public transport is the most sustainable and often economical way to go, in 2022 I took my kids Interrailing across Europe and it was one of the best things we have ever done and not a plane in sight. 

When it comes to daily travel, try and make sustainable swaps, such as if your destination is within cycling distance then try that inside of driving, or ditch the car for bus or train commute. Also try and actively walk to more places if possible. 

train travel
Interrailing across Europe

2. Eating - Grow your own and have more meat-free days

You don't have to fully commit to a plant-based diet to have an impact, just having more meat-free days will massively help. Instead of just meat-free Monday why don't you try and adopt a veggie-based meal three times a week? Planning meals in advance also helps to reduce waste and remember to compost left over food because it all helps.

If you have a garden or outdoor space why not focus on making it as wildlife-friendly as possible this year, you could let your grass grow longer, plant more wildflowers and flowers that attract bees, hang up a bird feeder and create micro-habitats and also why not try your hand at growing your own food? If you don't have any outdoor space then why not consider volunteering at a community allotment, I do and its a lot of fun and a great way to meet people and spend more time outdoors. 

grow your own

3. Ditch fash fashion for second-hand finds

I rarely buy anything new and now with apps such as Vinted and Depop there is hardly any reason to not buy second-hand - it's easy, economical and sustainable. Charity and secondhand stores are also great and when you are done with your item why not list it online and continue the circular fashion loop. 

Also instead of throwing a garment away because it has a hole, or has lost a button, either repair it yourself or get it repaired. I recently dropped a pair of trousers off at a local seamstress to fix the zip that had broken - it was cheaper and easier than going into the city to buy a new pair. 

thrifted fashion
My favourite second-hand jacket and top

4. Make eco swaps and support B Corps

We all need to start making small changes when it comes to our purchases. If you can reduce the need for plastic even better, such as changing to soap bars, shampoo bars and creme deodorant. Not everything it suitable to be purchased second hand so when we are making new purchases try to go with a company that has sustainability at it's core, such as B Corp Brands which is an accolated awarded to businesses that promote positive social and environmental change. I recently needed a new duvet and discovered Simba, the first B Corp sleep brand and is made in the UK using sustainable products and is committed to reducing emissions as well as offering a robust recycling service. I've been so impressed with my Hybrid duvet from Simba, I know its' going to last a really long time which is also important when making purchases, longevity is sustainability. 

5. Energy 

With energy prices having skyrocketed over the past 2 years, its not only beneficial for the environment for us to be more energy aware but also for our pockets and saving money. We all know to turn off lights when we are not using them and to turn our thermostat down along with taking shorter showers and laying warm clothes instead before putting on the heating but we can also look at alternative energy such as installing solar panels or switching providers that use wind turbine installation company for power. There is a whole array of renewable energy options on the market today and many more in the pipeline, here is a really informative article about the renewable energy sources choices out there. 

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  1. These are all small but impactful things that we can all take part in. Our family often does meatless meals to "save" a little on our grocery bill.

  2. Thanks for always championing sustainability. Yes, small changes will go a long way to be able to achieve sustainability.

  3. We're trying to be as sustainable as possible this year and we're passionate about it. There is a learning curve but we believe in being sustainable and its benefits. Great ideas..


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