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6 of the best board & card games to take when travelling

Canary Wharf

When it comes to travelling with kids, especially when long distances, layovers and potential delays, you want something on hand that is light, easy to play and entertaining as well as space saving. When we interrailed for 3 weeks across Europe each of my kids had a small backpack, which they were responsible for and contained their water bottle, notepad, and small stuffed toy and they each had at least 2 travel games. On our first day, our train was delayed for nearly 3hrs and these card and travel games really helped to keep boredom at bay. 

Whether you're flying off on a European cultural city break with Brussels Airlines, do check out the best deals at Brussels Airlines as it's a great destination for all ages, or you are heading on a big train adventure or road trip, being prepared with things to entertain the kids is essential. 

Check out the best deals at Brussels Airlines

Here are 10 board and card games I would personally recommend packing if you are travelling with children this year. 

1. Top Trump's

The great thing about Top Trumps is that they take up minimal space, are very light and there is so much choice when it comes to the theme of your deck. My kids have nature-based ones, dinosaur ones, sports ones etc and it's such an easy game that most children 4yrs+ can enjoy it. There is a reason why it's sold more than 10 million packs around the world and we love it. 

travel chess

2.  Magnetic Travel Chess

Chess is always a winner in my mind as no game is the same and it's also a great way to meet other travellers (in my experience). Both of my kids know how to play chess and it's a great way to keep the mind sharp while travelling. 

3. Uno

We love Uno as it's a fun and face-paced card game that most children 6yrs+ can grasp and can be played with anywhere from 2 to 10 people meaning the whole family can take part and it also takes up minimal space in your luggage.  


4. Pokemon TCG

Once you grasp the basics of the Pokemon Trading card game it can be so addictive to play and is a great way to introduce strategy play to kids (and adults). Again each child only needs one pack to play so is a nice pocket-friendly game to take on your travels. What I also love about Pokemon is that things like booster packs are sold all over the world so my boys love to pick up international booster packs with their pocket money and it's such a great game to keep expanding with things like a Pokemon elite trainer box

5. Exploding kittens

My children taught me how to place Exploding kittens after their neighbour got the game and it's so much fun and guaranteed laughs. Everything you need comes in a small box and this is one of the games we took with us on our interrail trip as it's easy for both child children and adults to grasp and can be played with 2-5 people which is perfect for siblings and small families. 

6. Battleship grab and go

Who isn't a fan of battleships? Now initially you wouldn't think this is the type of game to take on your travels but the grab-and-go version is fantastic as they have managed to size everything into a small and compact box and is great for two players and can really help pass the time when you are delayed or on a long train or flight. 

There are plenty of other travel-friendly games out there but these are the ones we have tried and tested and therefore recommend but would love to hear what your favourite travel games are. 

Italian travels

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  1. Top trumps is so handy, we often have a pack on us when we are travelling. So many great suggestions, thanks for sharing

    Andy x

  2. Uno is our go to game for traveling but we need to up our game and try something new. Exploding kittens might have to be our next one to try too.


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