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Well paid jobs perfect for Introverts

*This post contains affiliate links  Not everyone likes being around people 24/7, or perhaps you don't stay the same place for long and prefer to travel, with many roles heading back to the office after having moved to work from home during the last few years, many. rather not have to compromise your introverted or nomadic ways for the sake of a job. In fact, there are plenty of career paths that lean well towards those that thrive in their own space or feel drained when working around others for hours on end.  This post will take you through some of the best antisocial jobs that actually pay well. Freelance writer With more freelance copywriting roles, blogger positions and written content creator jobs available that allow you to work from home, this is a great option. If you're leaning more towards being an author, then a writer’s inspiration can come from silence. If you have a knack for writing and go the self-publishing route , your income is potentially uncapped. Virtual......

A Comprehensive Guide to Where Kids Eat Free This Half Term

With more and more people staycationing than ever, coupled with the cost of living crisis, I thought it may be useful to provide the most up-to-date guide on where kids eat free this half term.  Now the half term isn't the same everywhere in the UK, I know for example many schools are off now but in South Wales, schools only break up next week, so the majority of restaurants and cafes mentioned, they are offering deals from the 13th-26th, although do make sure to read the T&C's of a place before heading there as there can be time restrictions, age restrictions and some don't offer their deal over the weekend.  Restaurants Bills - Valid from Mon 13th - 17th and 20th- 24th Feb Up to two children eat free, all day Monday-Friday if one adult orders any main dish. This offer is not valid on Sat/Sun Yo Sushi - Valid Mon 13th - 17th and 20th - Fri 24th Kids eat free all day when dining with a full-paying adult (minimum £10 spend). The offer is for one free kids' meal dea......

My children's favourite book - Guess how much I love you

* I have partnered with Walker Books UK for this post to share my favourite classic kids book / AD With Valentine's fast approaching and my boys getting that little bit older, this year I want to celebrate that special kind of love between a parent and child, one that can even be hard to put into words and one that still to this day takes me by surprise. When I was expecting my first child, my mother bought me the Guess How Much I Love You book by Sam McBrantney and when I became a mum it immediately summed up that feeling of infinite love we have for our children.  When I was pregnant with my first I thought I knew what was coming (how blissful naivety is), I had read all the books and had a well-written birth plan, that incidentally was thrown out the window when labour actually arrived. The thing is I had never held a baby before until I held my own and that's when it all changed. Yes, it may sound cliche but the love for a child is different to any other and it never lessen......

How to plan a multi-stop Interrail train trip across Europe with kids

As some of you may know last year I took my boys on of the best adventures we have had so far, a multi-country interrail train trip around Europe. We managed to visit 5 different countries over the span of 3 weeks and travelled on multiple trains including high-speed, intercities, local trains and even a sleeper train and we had a blast, from start to finish.  This wasn't my first experience of Interrailing, I had done it before having kids so I had some idea of the importance of checking if you needed reservations prior to boarding or checking in advance if there was even space on a sleeper train as these regularly sell out weeks beforehand.  What is an Interrail Pass ? In a nutshell, it's a train ticket that allows you to travel on almost all trains in Europe, with access to 40 railway & ferry companies across 33 countries. If you plan to do a multi-country trip in Europe it's the most convenient and cost-efficient way to go about it. However some trains, especially ......

Why I benefitted from going to an All Girls School

*This post may contain affiliate links Throughout my junior and high school years, I attended an All Girls' School in South Africa. Same-sex schools are far more common over there than in the UK and I personally feel I really benefitted from it for a variety of reasons. While it may not be for everyone and times and teaching styles have changed since I was at school, I personally had a positive experience for the most part (I mean it is school after all) and I thought I share from a first-hand perspective what it was like. 1. We were taught self-respect & self love Respect for ourselves, our friends and our teachers was key at my school and in all the years I attended there were never any real issues with things like bullying but that may have been down to my school approach and openness to be able to talk to our teachers if anything was worrying us and this would be followed through. In high school, my class as a whole, which wasn't very big, would attend supportive weekly......

Why Content Creators should have business insurance

*This post contains affiliate links  So firstly let's get one thing straight if a person is making money from social media, whether that be through a blog, freelance writing, or creating content on social channels such as Instagram and tiktok etc, then that person is running a business, regardless of what kind of content this applies to travel, lifestyle, parenting creator and any other niche that charges to create content. They are offering their services for payment or some kind of compensation and the individual will need to be registered as self-employed.  While you may not be selling a physical product, you are selling a service so as with any professional business owner you should consider taking out business insurance to protect yourself and your clients from unforeseen risks and honestly, it's just part of being professional within your industry. Regardless if you are taking out small business insurance to  tradesman liability insurance , it's one of the first ste......