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5 Tips for Organising Kids' Wardrobes


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Organising a child’s wardrobe is something that may seem small and unnecessary but can really help save you time, money, reduce stress and help keep your kid's space tidy. Clothes are often the first thing that ends up on the floor or the bed and making sure they have a spot for everything will keep the clutter to a minimum. Not only that, but it will get them in the habit of putting things where they should be, which they will carry for the rest of their lives. If you think that’s an impossible task, don’t be afraid. Here are a few tips you can follow to organize your kids’ wardrobe.

Take Inventory of What they Have

Having two boys I do this fairly often as I reuse all my eldest son's clothes for my youngest. You should start by looking at what they have and what they don’t need anymore. This could allow you to clear the wardrobe, but also check what they may need at the moment. Give away anything that is still salvageable.

If there are some things that they need, then make sure that you shop wisely. Here, we would suggest that you look at discount codes on kids' clothes and toys if you want to keep costs to a minimum.

One thing you should also do is have a system for hand-me-downs. If you have children of different ages, think about keeping the best pieces when the older ones grow out of them and have a clear spot where these will be stored.

Make Sure that they Can Reach Everything

One of the things you want to make sure of is that they can reach everything. This way, they will not only be able to reach the stuff they need when they need them but put things back where they belong as well.

If you’re going to be using storage boxes, use the upper ones for things that they rarely wear. These could be perfect for seasonal clothes, for instance. The lower boxes can be for socks and underwear. You can choose to have a spot for shoes as well, but that could be a hassle if the shoes get dirty and you have carpeting around the house.

bedroom storage

Add a Laundry Basket

If your children’s room doesn’t have a laundry basket, you need to get one immediately. If you don’t, then you’ll have to expect dirty clothes to either end up in some corner or a drawer. Or they may get mixed up with clean clothes, which will all translate into more work for you.

Don’t expect your children to be responsible enough to use a laundry basket at first. Get them in the habit early and make them pick up their clothes if they don’t use the basket. It will soon become second nature to them.

Divide the Drawers

People often think of dividing the wardrobe, but what about drawers? Drawer systems can be a great way to keep things organized, but you don’t want things to get jumbled up in there. If you have limited storage space and you want to keep drawers well organized, consider adding a few boxes in each. If they’re using a drawer for socks and underwear, it will help keep both separate and easier to find.

Organise Clothes Per Day

If you want to take things to the next level and your children are responsible enough to dress themselves, a nice touch would be to add days of the week organizer in their closet. It will make things easier for both of you and allow you to save a lot of time in the mornings.

As you can see, keeping your kids’ wardrobes organized doesn’t have to be so difficult after all. Make sure that they do their part but give them the tools to keep everything in order as well.

kids bedroom

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