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Simple ways to De-stress in 2021

and breath

*This post contains afflialte links 

The past year has affected everyone in one way or another and it's certainly not been the easiest year to put it mildly. With social distancing, working from home of which many parents are also balancing that with homeschooling and even simple things becoming rather stressful, like doing the weekly food shop, now is the time to make sure we are taking time for ourselves and keeping on top of things like stress.

There have of course been many positives to the last year with many people switching to working from home and preferring it, also increased family time, local walks and getting outdoors, reducing the commute and for some learning new skills.

While we are still nowhere near "normal" its more important than ever to look after our mental wellbeing, so here are 5 simple ways to help reduce stress in your life. 

1. Get outside

We all know the benefits of making time to get some fresh air and we really cannot underestimate what an impact it can have on our lives especially when we are living during a period of restrictions, cabin fever can set in even quicker, causing the atmosphere in the home to feel tense. Getting outdoors can offer a new perspective and also be a place for children to burn some energy off as well as keep you moving and exercise, even just walking, is a fantastic stress reliever. 

get outdoors

2. Work on your relationships

At a time when socially distancing now seems the norm, keeping our relationships going can be quite hard, so do get to grips with platforms and apps such as Zoom and WhatsApp, yes it's not the same but it's still beneficial and gives you a chance to talk to someone or help work things through with advice from friends. Of course, picking up the phone is always a good option especially for the older generation such as grandparents, keeping in touch with them is key. If you have a partner, now is also the time to work on your communication skills with them as sometimes that can get lost especially when juggling working from home, keeping on top of the home and homeschooling and as well all know bedroom intimacy is a great way to reduce stress, even if you have to use some Tadalafil.

3. Stop Doomscrolling 

With more people stuck at home, many are spending more time on social media than before and it's so easy to get sucked into negative news stories which can leave you feeling emotionally drained. While social media can be a great source of inspiration it can also be a place that is disheartening and a source of additional stress. For many of us, our phones are essential but we need to find a workable balance so it doesn't become all-consuming - easy ways to stop endless doomscrolling is 1. Allocate a time to check your social media and keep to that time and switch off when it's over 2. make your mornings a screen-free time, starting the day without a bombardment of news can be really beneficial 3. avoid negative places and look for more uplifting sites that share positive news stories rather than negative ones such as Positive News


4. Take time to breath

There is a reason why so many people swear by things like Yoga and Meditation for helping to reduce stress and best of all these can be done in the comfort of your own home with little outlay or cost - with so many free Yoga classes and meditation guides on YouTube there really isn't any excuse not to try. Both can help you to slow down, focus on your breathing and to bring relaxation and calm to your life, which is what we all need right now. 

5. Go to bed early

This one can be easier said than done, with us balancing more spinning plates than ever, often our sleep pattern is disturbed or we simply sacrifice sleep to work but it's actually something we should be prioritising more than ever. Sleep plays such an important role in both our physical and mental wellbeing and poor sleep can actually contribute to things like depression and heart disease while a good night sleep improves your immune system, productivity and can help stop the production of stress hormones. So why not try to get to bed 1 hour earlier than normal? Could do you the world of good. 

Hope you fund these tip useful and if you have any that work for your please feel free to share in the comments box below. 


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  1. The past year has been so stressful! Yes to getting outdoors and also getting to bed earlier.



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