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Thinking of travelling to the US in 2021? Here are 5 States you should visit

San Fransisco

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While right now for numerous reasons travelling to the US may not be the best idea but hopefully in the not so distant future things will feel brighter, safer and more positive as the States really has some fantastic places to visit and experience.  

There is no doubt that the US is a destination perfect for travel junkies being so vast and offering everything from deserts to forests, stunning coastlines, mountains and everything in between. No matter what you might be hoping to get out of your travels, you are bound to find it in some way or another somewhere in the US. Of course, there is so much variation throughout the United States that it is hard to know where to go or how to make the most of it. In this post, we are going to take a look at some of the best and top states you might want to visit, to ensure you make the most of your travels.



Probably best known for its fantastic outdoor scenery, Colorado is one of the best parts of the USA to go to if you love to explore the great outdoors. In particular, it is home to the Rockies, which are some of the most beautiful mountains in the world, and a great spot to go hiking if that is up your street. Plus, if you go to Denver you will find the famous 300 days of sunshine won’t go amiss, especially if you are travelling over from the UK. And if you are into your American sports, you might even get to see the Denver Broncos play while you are there.

Colorado is known to be a progressive state, and you will find the people incredibly accepting of you as a tourist, making the whole experience a lot easier and less stressful on the whole. If you love to ski, there are countless places you can do that, and there’s even some of the country’s top nightlife in the cities of Denver and Boulder.



This state is one of the top three most-visited states in the country, so no list worth its salt could possibly exclude it. If you have never been to California before, the main thing to be prepared for is that there are so many different ways to experience the state, and different types of experience you can have.

Whether you want to do the family Disney thing, or you are just looking for a relaxed surfing holiday, or maybe if you want to go golfing, you will find it all at different parts of this varied and sunny state. Some of its cities are among the most beautiful and fascinating places in the country or even the world, including world-famous San Diego, known for its idyllic weather and perfect sandy beaches, not to mention being the home of Anchorman. It’s also the home of Comic-Con, so this might be a good option for all you nerds out there

New York

New York

Not to mention New York in this list would be true sacrilege, being as it is the cultural capital of the USA. If you have ever dreamed of going to the States, at least part of that dream has probably involved this amazing and vibrant city at some point or another. It is truly an amazing and wonderful place to visit, and it offers a little something for everyone. From having some of the best theatres in the world to some of the best art galleries and museums, and just generally a culture that you are going to fall in love with, again and again, it really must remain at the top of your list every time.

One thing about New York is its shopping, and if you are looking to buy pretty much anything you are going to find it here - though, it is fair to say, at a price. Nonetheless, it’s the kind of city that is going to give you memories you can hang on to forever, and that is one of the best things you can possibly get out of any kind of travel.


It is fair to say that the state of Connecticut gets a bad rap, but actually, it has plenty to offer if you scratch just slightly below the surface. If you are looking for a truly unique and fascinating time in the States, you might want to check out the little-known town of Mystic, which - as its name suggests - provides the weary traveller with many strange and unexpected delights. That’s all we’ll say on the subject. Needless to say, it’s worth a visit.



This State really has a little bit of everything along with four distinct seasons meaning sunny beach days in summer and hitting the ski slopes in winter. It's also a great destination for Wine lovers as there are around 300 wineries in the state you are really spoilt for choice. For those who are big into hiking The Appalachian Trail also runs through Virginia and offers up some fantastic walks across this state, while those who rather enjoy a spot of retail therapy the city of Richmond has a vibrant cafe culture, galleries and craft breweries along with some great shopping. 

So there you have it. Any of these states are going to be worth a visit, so pick out your favourites from among them, and set sail. You’ll be bound to have the time of your life in any of these fine destinations.

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  1. Colorado have similar environment with my hometown, from fantastic outdoor scenery, mountain ranges, and a great hiking spot. I do wish i can visit Colorado in the near future. :) thanks Laura for short but informative article ;)


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