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Win a Zero Waste Starter Kit

Zero waste

Despite the current lockdown and everything that is going on in the world, many of us still want to make lifestyle changes to try and be more sustainable and look after the Earth for future generations. So I am really excited to be able to offer one reader the change to win a Zero-Waste starter kit. It has everything you need to get on your way to plastic-free living.

The kit includes
A Pack of Reusable Beeswax Food Wraps
Vegan Shampoo Bar
4 Metal Reusable Straws
One Adult and one child Blue Rock Bamboo toothbrush
A Reusaboo Coffee Cup 

I made the switch to shampoo bars, wax wraps and reusable coffee cups over a year now and it's such an easy change and can really help towards reducing your household waste.

It's super easy to enter via Rafflecopter below and the giveaway closes on the 12th Jun 2020 and is open to UK & European residents.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. we have made an effort to buy less single use plastic, no more clingfilm! recycle more too

  2. We eat locally, plant seeds, recycle and donate items.

  3. ashleigh allan3 June 2020 at 09:24

    Much more recycling and using reusable products where possible

  4. I'm using less plastic and always recycle

  5. I'm gradually replacing any item made from plastic with those made from hemp.

  6. No plastic water bottles, use a steel bottle and tap water. Shop at my local market, take my wicker basket, no bags or plastic required

  7. buying things with minimal packaging and also recycling as much as i reasonably can

  8. Not buying shower gel in plastic bottles but buying bars of soap instead

  9. less plastic, recycle as much as possible

  10. I use re-useable bags always for shopping and recycle more

  11. definitely recycling more, and using way less plastic

  12. Made more of an effort to not buy products with so much plastic!

  13. The biggest is probably replacing the bottled water we used to carry everywhere with refillable bottles. As we've always been conservation minded and careful to avoid waste, most sustainable practices have been second nature to us since long before they became a popular issue.

  14. We use reusable water bottles and recycle as much as possible. But to be honest, we could definitely do more x

  15. We have purchased reusable bottles for work and school. Bought drink containers with washable straws. Tried to buy less single use products. Linda Ford

  16. We do not use plastic bags but reusable ones

  17. We as a family, are recycling as much as, we can, trying to use less single use plastic...even changed my daughters straws!

  18. Cycling or walking whenever possible

  19. We recycle more now than before, we cut back on goods with plastic packaging

  20. We have stopped buying cling film and no longer wrap sandwiches but put them in small reuseable boxes.

  21. I bought insulated bottles and reusable lady products.

  22. We are also making an effort in my house to go💚

  23. Less single use plastic, soap bars for hair/body and trying to get loose fruit and veg where possible!

  24. We got a Brita filter instead of water bottles and we're using Tupperware instead of cling film for leftovers etc.

  25. We all use refillable coffee cups and water bottles, as well as reuseable shopping bags. I'm also trying to cut down on household products in plastic bottles, and now buy washing up liquid and various cleaners in 5 gallon containers from which I refill reuseable bottles.

  26. We are recycling so much more than we used to and have two composting bins in the garden which come in really useful.

  27. No more plastic bags for anything in shops or at home. No more cling film for covering food in the fridge - wraps, tinfoil or plates can be used and washed, instead. Gradually moving away from plastic bottles of handwash, shampoo and conditioner - bars and tins bought, instead.

  28. Natalie Burgess4 June 2020 at 21:19

    We use one big bag for life xx

  29. I got rid of our car, even though it was hybrid, and we make sure to recycle everything we can xx

  30. I have stopped using plastic where possible and generally been more thoughtful about sustainability. I did a week without buying anything plastic or not recyclable (which meant no cheese) and that definitely changed the way I do food shopping.

  31. I don't use plastic bags anymore and try my hardest to recycle more

  32. I think the biggest thing that's change is our realisation about plastic waste in our family and starting to question certain things- in turn leading to gradual changes - so instead of buying lots of bottles of shampoo and soap, I buy a massive 5ltr one and re-use the small bottles by refilling them over and over. The same for washing up liquid. I compost food waste in the garden. (and try to have as little food waste as possible in the first place). We used to not think twice about buying a drink when we were out - now we wish wash and reuse bottles and take drinks with us whenever we are out. So lots of little changes and questioning why we do certain things - I've even started to re-use clingfilm over and over where I can rather than use it once and bin it.

  33. I recycle nearly everything, and I don't drive so walk everywhere.

  34. I've been re-using empty plastic yogurt pots and plastic fruit trays for growing plants.

  35. Usable shopping bags and coffee cups and water bottles.

  36. Christina Palmer6 June 2020 at 14:38

    We us bags for life, re usable drinking bottles. We recycle everything possible.

  37. Make things last longer and reuse before recycling. Oh...and I buy a lot less stuff.

  38. Using reusable water bottles and no longer buying cling film!

  39. We are using less plastic, I am not buying handwash or shower gel and we are growing lots of fruit and veg.

  40. We recycle everything possible, use soap bars instead of liquid soap where possible and reusable shopping bags.

  41. we recycle and reuse anything we can and try not to use plastic where we can x

  42. Lost a lot of weight and got a new job.

  43. we switched to bamboo straws and toothbrushes, fabric tote bags for shopping, reusable coffee cups and water bottles and do no end of recycling, up cycling and reusing

  44. Using less plastic waste and trying to recycle as much as I possibly can

  45. Switched to shampoo bars

  46. Recycling, reuseable drinking bottles, no longer use plastic carriers or clingfilm

  47. We switched to reusable nappies. We've slowly been replacing things as necessary with more sustainable products, switching to more ethical brands.

  48. We recycle everything possible and buy loose fruit & veg and use local traders

  49. Using less plastic, not buying pre wrapped food, no plastic bottles, dont have takeway cups,no plastic bag. just trying to make sensible choices whenever possible

  50. We walk a lot more nowadays and recycle everything. Including plastic bags. We also have solar panels on our roof.

  51. Reusable sanitary pants/Mooncup - lifechanging!

  52. We are making our own compost and being very careful to use up what we have and not waste anything!

  53. We have recieved a much larger council recycling bin to enable us to recycle a great deal more

  54. I have encouraged my family to recycle as much as possible. We have also started growing our own food as well as making our own compost 💚🌍

  55. We recycle as much as possible and use canvas bags for our shopping

  56. Not enough if I'm being honest. I try to recycle, use/buy less plastic and reuse tin foil where I can, turn off the tap while brushing my teeth, use soap instead of shower/hand gel and not flush the toilet after midnight.

  57. I've switched to re-useable straws for my son, buy loose fruit and veg and use my own veg bag so I'm not using plastic, travel more on foot and less by car, and I always try to buy secondhand clothes for myself and my little boy!

  58. We recycle everything we can and try to use as little plastic as possible and we teach the kids to do the same x

  59. I've been buying a lot more non plastic products and also trying to buy more food in plastic alternate packaging.

  60. Replaced all plastics in the kitchen, I don't use any cosmetic and beauty products that have any nasties in

  61. taking own bags shopping use metal straws 😀

  62. I have been reducing food waste. Less plastic packaging. We also recycle as much as possible. I have recently invested in metal straws to save on disposable ones.

  63. I shop at a no-packaging shop for all the things I can get from there! I also use reusable drinks bottles and cups when out and about!

  64. we recycle as much as we can and use reusable water bottles

  65. I have been recycling much more and wasting food much less! also been walking when I can for shorter distances!

  66. Jazz Tattersall11 June 2020 at 12:44

    I’ve started eating vegan and am trying to cut down on plastic

  67. Oriana Donlevy11 June 2020 at 13:13

    We have swapped liquid soap bottles to bars to help reduce our plastic usage.

  68. We've switched from plastic sandwich bags to reusuable wax wraps

  69. Reusable bottle save money and the lanes

  70. I never go anywhere without my (now rather the worse for wear!) reusable cup, I never use cling film and I've switched to reusable veggio bags. I've also just bought some reusable covers for the tins in the fridge, dishes in the microwave..etc (much better than cling film!)

  71. Sallyanne Rose11 June 2020 at 15:15

    shampoo bars recently, plus i always take my own packed lunch and coffee to work

  72. I’m edging closer to low/ no buy. Currently ‘shopping my stash’ for make up and toiletries and won’t be buying replacements until I’ve used what I have

  73. I've been recycling for years years, long before it became the norm, but lately I've been trying to avoid plastic packaging and am far more conscious of the impact my decisions and choices have on the planet

  74. We’ve always recycled, but this year I’ve started using the plastic tubs and bottles we do end up with as plant pots for my seedlings. We’ve also switched to shampoo bars which are lovely!

  75. I've dramatically reduced the amount of new clothing I buy.

  76. WE have been using our own bags for shopping, using reuseable containers, no plastic straws. Trying to buy loose fruit and veg in our reuseable nets.

  77. Excellent prize I'd be delighted

  78. Reusable hessian or cloth shopping bags with more recycling and upcycling items

  79. We try to buy as little plastic as we can and recycle whenever possible.

  80. I've been recycling everything, using reusable cups/straws etc, avoiding 'one use' products as much as possible, and trying washable make up pads.

  81. We have bought a compost bin to be good fpr the environment and provide us with free compost.

  82. Using reusable water bottles, using less plastic, using reusable fabric shopping bags

  83. We try to eat local, buy products without plastic and instead of throwing food away only buying what we need

  84. I shop locally for produce, so I don't have to buy fruit and veg with loads of excess plastic packaging from the supermarket

  85. I shop locally and use minimum bags and I try an grow my own organic vegetables as much a sI can.


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