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How to Bring more Hygge into your life

Danish way

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Most people by now have heard of the Danish word Hygge which is used to describe the Danish way to living well-valuing cosiness and togetherness. It touches on the ideas of slowing down, simplifying life and taking pleasure from the presence of soothing things. With the Danish being one of the happiest countries in the world it's a good time to take a leaf out of their book and bring a little bit more Hygge into your life.

No matter where you live there are small ways we can embrace the Danish way of life, which is said to improve your general wellbeing, self-esteem, sense of belonging and that can only be a good thing right? So here are a few tips to embrace Hygge

1. Candles

Is there anything more cosy and relaxing than listening to music or sitting down with a hot drink and having so lovely candles burning in the background? When the Danes were asked what they associated most with Hygge, 85% mentioned candles and you can see why as it's such a simple pleasure and even more so in the colder months and helps to set the scene.


2. Switch off and focus on Togetherness

Hygge is all about focusing on being present, quality time and togetherness, with yourself and the ones you love. So why not find time twice a week where you put your phones away, turn off the TV and just have time together, you could be doing your own things such as reading a book but be in the same space, so simply discuss how your day has been or play a board game.

3. Enjoy food

One should enjoy good hearty food in the company of good people, even if that just means a cup of hot chocolate with all the toppings. Hygge is about being kind to yourself and giving yourself a break, not about guilt or calories but about simple moments. Cake, pastries, fresh bread and hot drinks are all commonplace in Danish homes.


4. Hygge Home touches

As many know the Danes love good design and simplicity as well as a love of small spaces such as a cosy nook with plenty of blankets and cushions. Fireplaces are also a focus so if you are lucky to have one in the UK take advantage of that on cold evening nights. Having a space to keep your favourite things is also important such as a good bookshelf and space for your CDs or record player.

5. Bring nature in

The Danes love wood and elements of nature in the home which can be seen in most Scandinavian homes straight away with beautiful wooden flooring and house plants aplenty. It's a proven fact that wood makes us feel closer to nature which is probably why it's so embraced in Denmark from burning firewood, wooden furniture and even wooden toys are all popular.


Having a few things on hand for those unexpected quiet moments means you can embrace Hygge even more so always have some of your favourite tea or hot drink in the house, warm jumpers, a good book or favourite music album and a nice blanket and your set to go. If you want to learn more I also recommend The Little Book of Hygge.

Danish life

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  1. The Danes have it right! We are always trying to bring a little bit more hygge and quality time into our home


  2. I love candles. They make the home feel and smell divine.

  3. I love the Hygge movement and fluffy blankets and candles in the house are great for this time of year


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