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5 ways to keep your tyres in tip top shape this winter

car tyres

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As we move into the colder seasons it's really important to make sure we are prepared and if your a car owner this includes your car as breaking down in sub-zero temperatures is not fun and believe me I know, I've been there! The roads also tend to become more treacherous during the winter months so with safety in mind it's really important to spend some time now making sure your car is ready to take on the roads this winter, especially your tyres, so I thought I would share 5 ways to keep your tyres in top condition this winter

1. Reguarly check your tyre tread

Not only does the correct tread help the overall performance of your car but it's extremely important in terms of safety especially in poor weather conditions. It's also against the law if you go below the legal tread limit and one of the major reasons a car fails its MOT and if that does happen they need to be replaced straight away. Don't leave your tyres until they are on their last legs instead get good quality tyres at economical prices from Elite Direct Tyres Chigwell Branch.

2. Check tyre pressure

Knowing how to check your type pressure and get it to the right pressure using the air pump at your local petrol station is really important. Tyre pressure can affect the overall handling of your vehicle including steering, braking and mileage. Your car manual should have the correct pressure and if not look it up online as having over or under-inflated wheels can cause damage and at worst a blowout which could possibly cause an accident.

family car

3. Have your wheel alignment checked

When your wheels are out of alignment it can increase the chances of uneven wear and can also reduce the driver's control and car steering which can lead to an increase in fuel consumption. I can say first hand what a difference it makes, with my last car I started to feel like it was pulling to one side and didn't feel safe, it felt somewhat unstable and harder to steer and with two children in the car I knew I needed to get it checked. It did cost me money to get the wheels aligned properly but it instantly made a big difference and the whole car felt more stable and roadworthy than it had before. Popping into your local tyre specialist such as Tyres Ipswich can ensure your wheel alignment is just right.

4. Don't overload your car

It's really important especially int he run-up to Christmas when most people are shopping more or carrying more things from one place to another to not overload the car. Overloading the car puts both the car and the passengers at risk and can compromise the handling of the vehicle as well as cause excessive wear on your tyres. My car manuals should give you an indication of what is a safe weight for your car to handle and it's important to keep to that.

car safety

5. Drive responsibly

Maintaining good driving habits not only keep you safe on the road but also helps to keep your tyres in tip-top condition. Always drive within the speed limits and refrain from braking or accelerating excessively as well as avoiding uneven road surfaces and making sure to slow down when driving over speed bumps - if not it can knock the wheel alignment out. Also having the right breakdown cover is always a good idea, no matter how responsible you are cars can break down.

Tyres are so important when it comes to driving and if your planning on a road trip this Autumn and winter it would be worth booking in for an interim service and check over of your car so you know your safety and your car's maintenance is up to par. Dealing with these things before they become an issue always saves you money in the long term. You can also see my post about how to pack for a road trip here.

car safety

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  1. Tyres are so important! It can be really scary if they blow while you're driving so I definitely agree it's important to get them checked regularly.

    1. They really are so important and getting them checked regularly is key

      Laura x

  2. Great tips, I am clueless when it comes to anything like this as I don't drive but I am learning next year x

    1. Oh how exciting to learn how to drive!! Hope it goes well

      Laura x

  3. Thanks for reminding us how to stay safe now the darker weather is here.

  4. Some great basic tips here for sure. Nothing like a burst tyre on a winters day. The simple things make a big difference right?

  5. Great advice, always good to keep a check on them at this time of year.

  6. I never know how to tell if my tyres are at regulation, I know you can get 3 points per 'bald' tyre from the police if they stop you. I need to ask other people if they look okay or not.

  7. Always good to keep the car in check. Tyres are super important and well worth checking regular


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