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Sunflower Fields at Rhossili Bay

Rhosilli Sunflowers

One of the highlights of the summer for the boys and I was spending an evening watching the sunset over the fields of beautiful sunflowers in Rhossili Bay, planted there by The National Trust. It's really fantastic to see nature in it's full force and in one of the most beautiful locations in South Wales. Rhossili Bay is one of our favourite places with it's award-winning beach and stunning headland walks along rugged clifftop which eventually leads you to Worms head.

The sunflower fields this year were magical, it was great to see so many families and children running free through the head hight sunflowers, as well as all the wildlife it was attracting too. Getting there just before sunset only added to the atmosphere.

sunflower fields


The sunflower fields on The Vile in Rhossili wouldn't have been possible had it not been down to the four rangers and eighty volunteers from The National Trust who have spent the past 2yrs recreating traditional 12th-century patchwork farming and bring life back to The Vile. They also planted a variety of other crops including millet, oat and spelt.

It's great new to hear that because of all the amazing sunshine we got this summer that they have had a very productive crop and have been harvesting the seeds this month using a 1970's combine harvester. Some of the seeds are going to be dried out and left behind to attract birds and wildlife.

sunflower fields

Welsh sunset

The sunflowers are going to be back in 2020 which is really a positive thing to hear especially as it's completely free to walk through the fields. Unfortunately, some people also felt it was fine to pick the sunflowers which of course it's not, so if you do plan to visit next year please be respectful.

Sunflower fields

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  1. What a beautiful place. Love sunflowers so much.

    1. It's a really lovely place, was lucky to go on such a beautiful evening

      Laura x

  2. We drove past some sunflower fields last week and I really wanted to stop but we couldn't find anywhere to park :(

    1. Oh no thats a shame Kara - we loved these fields - so beautiful

      Laura x

  3. Gorgeous photos! I love sunflowers they are just such a happy thing to look at. I wish I had found one near us this year!

  4. Wow what gorgeous pictures...I've always wanted to visit a sunflower beautiful!

  5. Ah these look stunning. I would like to find some ones to get some pictures!! x

  6. I love National Trust and the sunflower fields looks absolutely lovely and such a perfect place to watch the sunset.

  7. I love sunflowers. This looks like a lovely place to visit.

  8. Beautiful pics! I absolutely love sunflowers, they make me so happy!

  9. Beautiful! Nothing beats a good sunflower field. We visited one two years ago and I really want to go back.

  10. Looks like a great place to visit. I'll definitely go here soon with my family.


Lovely comments