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6 Tips to find the perfect evening outfit

dinner jacket

*Contains affiliate links 

No matter the occasion, looking and feeling good in what you are wearing can be a real booster to our self-esteem especially when it comes to those special life events such as weddings, birthdays etc. If you aren’t feeling confident with what you’re wearing, the chances are you won’t enjoy your night as much. Finding an outfit that’s comfortable, stylish, and makes you feel confident is important, so here are 8 tips on how to help you find the perfect evening outfit, bringing out your best features.

Assess Your Body Shape

It's important that regardless of height, weight, size etc that we know our body shape and how to dress it in a way that makes you feel good about yourself. To find an outfit that brings out your best features can help to make you feel more comfortable so it is important to know what your body shape is. Most women tend to fall into the following five categories, which are apple-shaped, pear-shaped, hourglass, rectangular, and petite - I'm petite so when it comes to more formal events I tend to stick to shops that cater for petite customers.

Stick to a Budget

Before you begin your quest for the perfect evening outfit, it’s crucial that you have a budget in place. I'm always on a tight budget but that doesn't mean having to go without especially when there are some amazing charity shops and also borrowing from friends and family is always an option and a sustainable one at that. The last thing you want to do is get yourself into debt so working out the cost and whether you can afford it is important. 

chic style

Less is more

While you can find evening outfits that are very cheap, you may wish to stick with brands who focus on quality and longevity - although like I said you can source these second hand in charity shops or online such as ebay.  Going for a high-quality outfit usually means neat seams and a more flattering fit. You may want to check out this collection from JVN who sell a range of evening dresses. The company also sells prom dresses, bridesmaid dresses, homecoming dresses, and short dresses. To make the decision process easier, you can select by colour and price. 

Choose Colors Wisely

While a dress or outfit may look beautiful on display or on a photo, that doesn’t mean the colour will suit your complexion. When searching for an evening outfit, it’s always best to stick with colours that match your skin tone. The colours you choose will play a huge role in enhancing your features and overall look, however, they can also do the complete opposite too. The last thing you want to do is pick an outfit that makes you look pale when you could be rocking one that makes your skin glow.

Don’t Always Choose the Trendiest

Trends are forever coming and going in the fashion world. Unless you aren’t fussed about wearing an evening outfit that looks outdated in a couple of months, it’s advised to invest in pieces that are classic over trendy and can be used for years to come. Picking an outfit with features that are always in style can bring a ton of benefits. Not only will you be able to wear it on multiple occasions, you will feel confident in it no matter the time of year and shopping with longevity in view is a more sustainable option over fast fashion.

black brogues

Use Accessories

Accessories can take a rather plain outfit and totally transform your look for the better. If your clothing has elaborate details, make sure to use minimal accessories, otherwise, you may end up with a cluttered look. If your outfit is plain and straightforward, the right shoes, necklaces, clutches, and hair accessories can add a touch of sparkle and glamour to your outfit.

Assessing your body shape first, finding an evening outfit in your price range, sticking with good designer collections, as well as choosing the right fabric are just a few tips you can use to find the perfect evening look.

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  1. What a great list of tips. I am so rubbish at fashion.

    You look amazing, those trousers 😍

    1. Thanks so much and yaasss I love these red trousers :)
      Laura x

  2. You look amazing Laura. Hope you felt great in that outfit and valid points made.
    Laura x

  3. Great advice, I need all the help I can get. Especially since becoming a mum, definitely don't put in enough effort to go out!

    1. Yes totally know what you mean, not enough hours in the day to sort out an outfit thats for sure

      Laura x

  4. I definitely love your tips and your style too, I try to dress my shape and stick to the budget whenever I am going out.

    1. Yes those two things are key - body shape and budget

      Laura x

  5. Fab style tips here Laura. Yes less is always more.

    1. Thanks so much, glad you found it interesting and useful

      Laura x

  6. I totally agree with sticking to budget and assesing body shape. Very helpful list.Thanks for sharing

  7. I totally agree with sticking to budget and assessing body shape. Very helpful list. Thanks for sharing

  8. You look fab and it really suits your sense of style. I think my mummy needs to figure out her body shape first, however she never seems to stick to a budget!!

  9. There are some top tips here. I totally agree with you less is more for sure - you look fab xx


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