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The importance of making a Space where you can relax

How much downtime do you have in life? Really? It seems that now, we can struggle to find anywhere to really relax. Whether you're pursuing your self-education, or you are working all the hours under the sun, you've got to find somewhere that can inspire, but relax you in equal measure. How can you make a space, whether inside or outside your home, where you can truly relax?

Where Do You Want The Space?

It's usually decided for us. After all, we don't have lots of room in modern homes, and even if we do, we naturally decorate the space to make it appear fuller. Picking the right space isn't just about getting away from all the modern stresses, but it's about finding something that inspires you and aids relaxation. A garden is a simple solution because it's the closest you can get to nature without actually venturing miles away. But you have to make sure that the garden space is not going to stress you out. Sometimes there could be so much that needs doing to your garden the very thought of heading out there won't calm you down! It's at this point where you may think about going down the artificial route. You can get artificial plants, or at the very least, plants that don't require much maintenance. And in addition to this, there are companies like New Lawn that can lay down AstroTurf. If you don't have time to look after your garden, and you just need to go somewhere so you can come down for 10 minutes, the garden can be perfect.

Don't Think About The Size Of The Space

We can feel that we need a big space in which to relax and recline when in actual fact, the goal is to get away from all the modern stresses. Even if you have a cubby hole in the corner of the home, as long as you dress it appropriately, and it serves to calm you down, it doesn't matter. You can very easily pick up a cheap armchair, with comforting armrests, and soft material, and as soon as you close your eyes and focus on your breathing, you can be transported away from these modern stresses. It's not about having a large space, it's always about the quality.

Focus On The Art Of Relaxation

Even if you don't like the idea of relaxing, because you can't switch your brain off, it's all about practice. You can't be expected to sit in a quiet area and think of nothing because automatically, your brain will start to go haywire. Instead, think about sitting in a quiet spot and just focusing on your breath for a couple of minutes each and every day, and build it up slowly. We are forever bound by pressures in the modern world, and as such, that opportunity to “relax” in the true meaning of the word is pretty much non-existent. But by getting rid of these distractions, and learning how to practice the art of relaxation, you will make a space where you can truly relax regardless of where you are.

Relaxation is so important for our wellbeing and it can also come in different shapes and forms so even if you are extremely short on space you can usually find a way to disconnect for a while and find a way to slow down.

Here are my 5 favourite ways to relax and practise some self-care

1. Switching off the phone and reading a book
2. Cooking up a really healthy meal that I usually wouldn't take the time to do.
3. Listen to some of my vinyl records and getting lost in the music
4. Take time for the things that give you joy - for me that's skateboarding or going cycling
5. Get outside and have some fresh air - it does wonders for putting things into perspective 

 Associated Post 

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  1. Couldn't agree more about this! It's so important that everyone has just one place where they can go and be alone with their thoughts without being distracted!

  2. I agree making time and space to relax is so important I love to light a candle or incense stick in the kitchen at the end of the day it really helps to signify a slower pace at the end of a busy day.

    1. Always good to be able to switch off for a moment

      Laura x

  3. Our bedroom is my place to relax. We don't have a television and I can go there to switch off and read my book.

    1. Oooh sounds perfect - yes to reading and getting away from the TV

  4. The garden is where I head for a bit of mindfulness. Sitting out in the sun with a cup of tea, watching the birds fly back and forth from the birdbox really lifts my spirits

    1. Ohh I love my garden - certainly a bit of a mini haven

      Laura x

  5. I love paying attention to my self care. I relax with a good book and a drink.

    1. Best combo - hot drink and a god book :)

      Laura x

  6. We are currently renovating our house and our bedroom is going to become my little haven of peace!

    1. Oooh how exciting, hope the renovations go well

      Laura x

  7. My space to relax is my bedroom where I can read a book and enjoy a cup of cappuccino)
    I work from home so I have plenty of time to relax when feel like it. I provide custom writings service and work as a freelance writer.

  8. We don't have any space in our house for a room to relax in.....I would love my own space


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