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4 Reasons to encourage your family to be active

surfing family

Perhaps you’re frustrated that your family has fallen into some bad eating and exercise habits, or maybe you’re desperately trying to get your family to take on some healthier habits in order to get fit. Whatever the situation is, it’s always a good idea to try and get outdoors and active together so that you can live a healthier (and often cheaper) lifestyle. It also brings the family together which is fantastic if you’re struggling to rekindle a family bond or want to spend a bit more time together with your kids. So to help convince you, here are a couple of good reasons why you want to get your family in shape.

It can be a fun way to get the family together

Whether it’s getting together to repaint the house, go on walks or even play sports together as a family, getting fit as a group is a lot of fun if you can approach it with the right mindset. Not only is it a great way to stay healthy together, but you’ll find that you can also use it as a way to bring the family together so that you have something in common to talk about and do every evening or weekend.

pick your own

Your weekly costs will actually be lower

Being more active and raising your energy often means eating healthily, you’re less likely to eat fast food or buy expensive sweets and snacks. Instead, you’ll be focusing on a healthy diet that is focused on fresh fruits, vegetables and other sources of nutrition that are much better for you. These typically cost a lot less than your average sweets and snacks, making it a fantastic way to lose weight and reduce your grocery shopping bills every week. As long as you’re willing to learn about healthy cooking, you’ll find that you can save a lot of money and improve your health drastically.

It leads to a much better lifestyle

Getting healthier also means being able to lead your family to a better lifestyle. They’ll learn all kinds of different workouts and healthy eating habits that they can expand on and use as positive things in their lifestyle. For instance, while you might be wondering “what is calisthenics” right now, you could start learning about different types of workouts that will lead to more frequent gym visits, more workout opportunities at home and stronger bodies which means no trouble carrying heavy objects and no running out of breath when you’re walking to and from the store.

bike ride

You’re less likely to develop conditions or diseases

A healthy family is a healthy body. By getting into shape, you’re less likely as a family to suffer from all kinds of diseases and weight problems that could lead to nasty conditions. By teaching your family better habits, you ensure that they’ll be healthy for the rest of their lives and can pass down those good habits onto other generations. It’s a fantastic way to ensure that you’re protecting your family.

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  1. I'm all for an outdoor and active lifestyle. With a 3 and 11 year old it can be hard to please them both so we try and get out as much as we can. We've just bought a bike trailer too so hoping to get out on lots of bike rides this summer...once Mr J gets a bike that the trailer fits that is!!

  2. We all try to be as active as possible as a family. We are always out walking or working in the garden.

  3. Being outdoors is so good for the soul, love getting out and about with the kids especially now with the weather improving.

  4. We definitely try to encourage a more active life. It’s not always easy but it’s worth it.

  5. We spend a lot of time outdoors, I don't drive so during the week we have to walk every where. At weekends we get out to the woods and take our dog with us. I just love being outdoors.

  6. Yes, this is definitely what we're trying to do too, these reasons are so important to realise.

  7. We try and get outdoors every weekend. It's essential for burning off the energy of three little ones!


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