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Letting my kids do my makeup with Cosmetify

mother of boys

*In Collaboration with Cosmetify

I have a pretty straight forward and simple makeup routine, in fact on most days when I am doing the school run I go out with little more than some foundation or BB cream, concealer (to hide those day eyes) and some lip balm. Of course when I attend a work event, special occasion or drinks out I make more of an effort and certainly have a safe go-to look with my favourite red lipstick. I think on reflection, I have just become a little stuck in my ways because I'm time short at the moment and it's easy to forget that makeup should be fun and to experiment with it a little more.

So I was really excited when Cosmetify got in touch and asked if I wanted to do something super fun which involved choosing a few new makeup items and getting the kids to be creative, on me, I thought why not and needless to say the kids were onboard!

makeup tutorial

For those who don't know who or what Cosmetify is, it's a website that brings together all the best beauty and skincare products in the UK, in one place, making it an easy shopping experience for all your needs. You can also filter to see only vegan, cruelty free, ethical or organic products which is great and let's just say your certainly spoilt for choice as the website has EVERYTHING!

As I knew the children would be in charge I decided to keep my choices fun but simple and avoid things like eyeliner as that just seemed a bad idea in the hands of a 4yr old, although I did brave it with Mascara. Here is the list of products I decided to try out, everything is cruelty free and from what I can see vegan as well and I can personally recommend each and every one, they are all amazing.

1. Brushworks Mini Brush Set
2. Lottie London - Selfie Ready Matte foundation
3. Lottie London Blush Crush Zayn
4. NYX Cosmic metals eye shadow palette
5. 3ina Ultra lengthening mascara
6. 3ina Matte lipstick
7. Ciate mini nail polish

After washing my face and putting on some moisturiser, I applied the Lottie London foundation to give the boys as much of a blank canvas to work with and they couldn't wait to get stuck in. They started out with the blush and then moved onto the eyeshadow and I have to say I was pretty impressed with their application, wasn't nearly as bad as I thought! But then we moved onto the lipstick and that did go a little wrong but all with a good dose of humour.

family fun

The mascara was a bit of an eye raising experience if I do say so myself as I did worry for my eyes so we quickly moved onto the nail varnish which my youngest absolutely loved doing and has been asking daily since if he can make my nails pretty again.

We laughed a lot making the vlog and it was really fun for all of us! I think if I gave the kids a chance they would do my makeup every day!

makeup fun

Would you like to comment?

  1. Brave move! Sure they had tons of fun though - so well worth it!

    1. Haha it was so much fun, they keep asking when they can do it again :) Was going well until the lipstick lol

      Laura x

  2. I’m sure this must have been a really fun experience with kids! They’ve done a brilliant job!

    1. It really was :) we all enjoyed it and lots of laughs too

      Laura x

  3. Great article.

  4. Amazing! How much fun does this look? Great post!

  5. They actually did a fab job, I think mine would make me look like a clown

  6. I'm terrible at doing make up, so my children would probably do a better job than I could

  7. I think it is fun to let the kids try to do your makeup, the last time my nephew did it I looked like a banshee.

  8. Oh bless them, this is so sweet and quite brave of you! They did such a great job! xxx

  9. My kids would love this challenge. My daughter especially.

  10. I think they did a pretty good job, I'm not sure I could let my nephew do my makeup - I really couldn't trust him! x

  11. Thats good fun! My kids would love to do that to me, yours did a fab job!

  12. Haha you're brave, don't fancy my chances if I let my tribe loose with my makeup bag lol

  13. They didn't do a bad job at all did they, and it sounds lke it was a whole lot of fun too


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