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Sign the Worlds Largest Mothers Day Card

mothers day love

Mothers day is a time we get to stay thank-you to that special person in our lives who has undoubtedly sacrificed a lot throughout the years and even if that person is no longer here anymore than this can also be a time of positive reflection and sharing memories together as a family. Being a parent myself, mothers day to me is all about the simple things and not about materials good and my kids know that all I really want is a hand made card because to me thats all that really matters (of course a nice magazine or little treat won't go amiss but it's never expected) as well as a relaxing walk outdoors with my boys and I'm happy.

mother and sons

Mothers Day is also a time for gratitude and I am continuously grateful to have two healthy children as well as my own health, to live in a fairly stable country (let's not talk about Brexit) and being able to provide healthy meals, a warm home and some holidays, well I couldn't ask for anything more. So I am really grateful to be apart of WishYoo and No More charity (which is dedicated to preventing domestic violence and sexual assault worldwide), Global Mothers Day Card campaign. 

Worlds largest card
Sign the worlds largest digital mothers day card

The campaign is hoping to surpass the World Guinness Record for the largest collaborative greeting card, which will need more than 4000 signatures to achieve this. Luckily things like technology is on our side and no paper needs to be wasted as we can all signed this global digital greetings card! I've signed the card and it only took a a minute and helps raises fund for this fantastic women's charity and it just amazing being apart of something so global and exciting. If you have a spare moment do pop over to sign the card and leave a special message for your loved ones this mothers day.

*Written in Collaboration with WishYoo and No More 

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  1. Awww what a wonderful idea and a beautiful way to spread some love this Mother's Day

    1. It really is such a lovely idea!! And for a good cause too - win win

      Laura x

  2. Oh wow good luck to them on breaking the world record! I love that they are using it as a way to raise money as well, I'll have to head on over.

    1. It such an ace idea and yes for a good cause too

      Laura x

  3. Oh what a super idea! I really love this idea of a collaborative Mother's Day card - popping over to sign now!

  4. That's such a lovely idea! I hope it breaks the world record!

  5. What a fantastic, creative way to celebrate Mother's Day and raise awareness :) love it! x

  6. What a brilliant idea, i haven't heard of this so will go over to sign now!

  7. His is such a lovely idea. Hope you have a lovely mother’s day

  8. This is such a nice idea and something really positive x

  9. Sounds like a very thoughtful idea. I'm not seeing my mum today but I'll be seeing her next week :)

  10. What a lovely idea. I really hope they manage to break the world record.

  11. What a fantastic idea and a fun yet simple way to bring people together too! I will pop over and sign now!

  12. Oh wow what a fab idea and such a great cause too! I really hope they broke the world record!

  13. This is a great idea, I hope they make it. I agree about it being the simple things. I spent yesterday baking biscuits with my 3, and they we watched a film and ate them, it was perfect.


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