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Gratitude and the Balancing Act

family adventures

So I've been a little quieter over on my blog for the past fortnight or so, there have been a few reasons for that, mainly I've been working on some great posts and projects coupled with the kids catching that awful stomach virus going around and also changing my youngest childcare, which in hindsight was not the best idea just before Christmas, my busiest time, as he is really struggling to settle, so much so that it's massively reduced my childcare at present.

Working from home as a freelancer as well as being the main carer to my two active boys it's an easy task and occasionally the routine does go a little haywire and with the additional stress and chaos of Christmas it's been a balancing act to keep all the balls in the air thats for sure (I've dropped a fair few too lately). So I think it times like these when it's been less than smooth sailing, it's really important to practice some gratitude especially when I am aware how lucky I am to be able to travel a lot with the kids.

Here are a few things I've been really grateful for the past two months

1. I've paired up with the fantastic JD Williams in the run up to Christmas, picking out my favourite pieces to make you look and feel good this festive season.

2. I've been making sure to have some individual time with my children, as much as we love being together as a group it's also really special to find an hour or so once a week to have some one to one time.

3. We headed off to Windsor and Lapland UK a few weeks back for a little mini break which was really refreshing and we enjoyed the beautiful Christmas lights as well as visiting the Castle.

4. I've also been making sure to find quiet moments just for myself and to recollect my thoughts especially in the run up to Christmas when my stress levels start to raise more than normal.

 5. The boys and I had a fantastic Glamping break away in Cwmcarn Forest on what happened to be the coldest night of Autumn. We managed to stay nice and toasty so do read my review of our little trip.

6. This past year I have been working with Little Freddie, a small organic food brand who have just released the UK first pouch recycling scheme, read more about it here.

7. We also where lucky enough to spend a weekend in Cheltenham at the end of half term and stayed at the gorgeous Cotswolds Grange Hotel.

8. I have also been getting back into Skateboarding, something I've done since my teens but due to having knee surgery twice and then kids it meant I had a 11yr hiatus so really happy to be back on my board.

9. Have been making sure to have my Keep Cup on hand at all times, not only does it mean one less single use coffee cup but at most coffee shops they also give you a discount for bring your own cup - win!

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  1. A wonderful idea to list the things that you are grateful for. It is so easy to focus on the negative, but this highlights the positives.

  2. Great post! Sometimes it is good to just sit back and take note of all your achievements. I think it's easy for us to forget how far we've come sometimes.

  3. What a lovely post! I think you sometimes really do need to take a step back to look at all the things you are grateful for x

  4. The glamping break with the boys sound great! I haven’t ever been on a glamping trip... but would love to go!

  5. I can definitely relate to this. I work from home and have two children age 9 and 4 who may drive me a little crazy, especially when they are so excited for Christmas! I love this post and I will definitely be following your lead and writing down some things I am grateful for as its so easy to forget these things when you are so stressed!

  6. What a fab post. I am glad that you are getting individual time with your children - super important xx

  7. Love this post idea! I'm so jealous you've been glamping too, I'd love to go!

  8. I love this - I always try and count my blessings, especially when I am feeling low. Kaz

  9. What a lovely idea, I find making a list of everything I'm grateful for, helps me remember how lucky I am sometimes x


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