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Gratitude List and Life Lately

gratitude list

Life has been really busy lately and I have to say I struggled to keep up over the summer holidays. Between my blog, YT channel and social media work I do it pretty much takes the same amount of hours as a full-time job which isn't surprising as between it all I make the same as if I was working in my old full time job, yet because I work from home and as a freelancer it means childcare goes out the window over summer holidays and I revert back to being full time mum. I am not complaining at all but it does mean having to slow everything down and adjusting to having minimal working hours.

I'm still in a way getting back into routine and shifting through 6 weeks of emails and while stress is creeping in, especially as it's my eldest birthday this weekend and well thats a whole other thing to organise on top of everything else I feel it's really good to reflect back on all the positives and be grateful even when your trying to juggle everything.

We had a really fantastic summer, packed with adventures and I thought I'd just share a few highlights and moments I am grateful for and please do stop by my Instagram account for more of the same.

1. I managed to have a rare child-free weekend at the start of summer (and I say rare because it's the first time in 5yrs) in Durham at the beautiful Hotel Indigo, it's a city I really want to go back and explore more and please do read my guide to A Weekend in Durham.

2. We had a very budget friendly over night stay in London with both boys and stayed in a place similar to a YHA but you wouldn't know from the look of it, this was taken at breakfast time in their stylish cafe room.

3. I also celebrated my Birthday earlier this month and reflected on what turning 34 meant to me, shared more about how I felt over on my Instagram account.

4. My eldest headed back to school this month and was super excited about it. Also jumping for joy in his new Kicker Shoes

5. We teamed up with Nutella on a fun breakfast hacks projects for ways to make school run breakfast time quicker and easier

6. My two boys still argue and wind each other up but deep down really do care for each other, got this candid shot in Hyde Park just before the summer holidays finished

7. Over the summer we spent a few days in Devon with Cofton Holidays and visited Powderham Castle which was amazing and had a fantastic farm and deer park

8. We also spotted some bright Beach Huts on Dawlish Warren in Devon, my youngest was really taken by them

9. I also braved wearing a Bikini this summer thanks to the inspiring Molly Forbes, learning to enjoy the body I have now - read my thoughts on Body Positivity in Motherhood 

What are the things you have been grateful for over the past two months? I think it's always really important  to look back and reflect especially at times when your feeling stressed or overwhelmed.

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  1. I love the idea of a gratitude list - it's all too easy to focus on the negatives. Yay to a child-free weekend!

    1. Yes a child-free weekend away was welcomed and I think it's really good to reflect on the little things and practise gratitude because it can be easy to forget in this manic world

      Laura x

  2. It's always good to look back and see how far you've come and reflect on all the good stuff. Sounds like you had a busy but good summer :D

    1. Yes I totally agree :) Hope you had a good summer Ed

      Laura x

  3. I stay in many hostels and do like the yha, it's great

    1. Yes me too, we have always had good experiences at YHA

      Laura x


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