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Going on a Road Trip? 5 Essential Car & Tyre Checks you need to do

I love a good road trip, we have been on many which I have documented on this blog as well as growing up in South Africa and driving extensively across that country. Over the years we have had very smooth trips to equally disasters ones such as breaking down near Exeter on the way to the Isles of Scilly in the middle of the summer holidays and having to wait on a hard shoulder with two small children for more than 2hrs, which is no fun believe me.

With a rise in staycations more and more of us are hitting the roads in the UK and exploring what is on our doorstep, as well as some taking the step further and driving across Europe. Of course you cannot foresee every unexpected mishap along the way but you can prepare and make sure that your vehicle is in the best condition it can be to hopefully prevent any issues as well as being organised in the event you do breakdown.

Here are 5 essential car and tyre checks you need to do before heading off on a road trip.

1. Check Fluids

So simple and so important yet many people overlook checking on fluid levels which is crazy because it can prevent breakdown. You want to make a list and tick it off as you go making sure you check your oil, coolant, brake build and windscreen wash. I also always carry a small bottle of oil and a 2 litre bottle of water in the boot on any trips we make as it's always best to be prepared.

2. Tyres

This is one of the most important checks that needs to be done and also making sure your tyres are roadworthy is not only a legal requirement but also for your own safety. If tyres are not maintained and neglected you could find yourself with a sudden blow out as well as a higher risk of accidents and worn tyres also do not perform well and consume more fuel which is not what you want especially on a long trip. If your tyre tread is worn and getting close to the legal tread I do highly recommend getting them replaced as soon as possible and certainly before your trip. Also make sure you have a spare with the right tyre pressure with you at all times and back to tyre pressure do look at your car manual and adjust your tyre pressure at your local petrol station to the right amount. If you are heading across the Channel and want to get rid of the old tyres, you can book car tyres from DAT tyres now

3. Lights

Again another legal requirement is to make sure all your lights are working properly so before heading off you want to check your headlights, indicators, tail lights and reverse lights and if any are out then you need to replace them and I would recommend going to somewhere like Halfords to do this as it could be a fuse and not the bulb.

4. Servicing

A lot of these will be done at your annual servicing and if your car is in need of one don't put it off, rather get your full or part service done before leaving for a big trip as this will usually flag up any issues as well as put your mind to rest. They will check all your car fluids and also check your tyres and give you an overall of the condition of your car.

5. Breakdown cover

I have broken down enough times over the years to know that even the most basic breakdown cover can be a godsend especially when you have children in the car. It also saves so much money if you sign up before a trip rather than on the roadside should an issue arise. There are some really competitive prices out there and you can usually get basic cover from around £30 per year.

These are all essential checks that need to be done before going on any big trip but should also be done every 6 months especially on the main family car because basic maintenance can not only prevent breakdowns or issues but also save you plenty of money in the longterm. If your looking for more road trip tips check out my post on how to stay stylish on the road trip and healthy food to pack for a trip

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  1. Nice inspirations

    FOLLOW my Blog!!! Maybe we can follow each other!!!

    1. Hi Jeannette

      Thanks for stopping by, always happy to support other bloggers, will make sure to pop by yours

      Laura x

  2. What great tips that can sometimes be forgotten I know in the past I have forgot to check tyres but luckily all was good x

  3. Great tips, I once got a flat on the motorway with the baby in the car! I always, always check my tyre tread and pump them before journeys now no matter what.


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