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How to survive chickenpox this summer

My eldest who is now 7 had chickenpox when he was around 5 months old and it was one of the worst cases our GP had ever seen and certainly wasn't the mild illness we had been expecting but this may have been due to how young he was. He ended up need Antibiotics, Antihistamines and suppository painkillers to keep on top of the pain and inflamed skin it caused. At one point he was in too much pain to lie on either his back or stomach, had constant diarrhea, struggled to feed and we had to top up his liquid in-take with Dioralyte to make sure he wasn't dehydrated. I don't think we slept for more than two weeks but once they managed to get on top of the pain, infection from open sores and inflammation things improved a lot and topical applications started to work meaning we could finally give him the comfort and relief he needed.

Of course going through that means we are prepared for the next time we have to face this virus as my toddler is bound to get it at some point although I doubt he will be affected as badly as my first. In fact we thought he did have it a while back but it turned out to be hand foot and mouth which can cause a similar rash but doesn't tend to affect the trunk and body. So I thought I would share a few tips on how to survive chickenpox this summer.

1. Keep Hydrated

This is key with any illness and so important to keep your children hydrated throughout the day especially as they can also develop sore throats during this time. Sometimes as in the case with my eldest chickenpox can cause upset tummies and cause them to lose more fluid also if it's warm you need to keep on top of their intake. You could also make some orange ice-lollies from orange juice for a hit of Vitamin C and will help soothe a sore throat

2. Isolation

Unfortunately, we all know that Chickenpox is contagious so you need to make sure you stay away especially from people at risk such as the elderly and those with low immunity. You are also recommended to stay indoors for a minimum period of 7 days from the appearance of a rash until the blisters have dried up completely

3. Oat Bath

Offering your child a daily warm oat bath is a great way to naturally soothe the blisters and itch and it's really easy, all you need to do is sprinkle finely ground oatmeal into the bath and let them soak for 15-20 min.

4. Soothing Gel

Using clinically proven topical ointments such as Virasooth can help to cool and relieve itching and helps support natural healing as well as prevent scarring as it lessens the urge to scratch the blisters so having something like this on hand is really useful, in fact I already have some in my cupboard just in case. You can use it on babies and toddlers older than 6 months and can be applied to the whole body including the face.


5. Loose Clothing

Hot and sweaty skin can become more easily irritated and uncomfortable for your child so if it's warm enough let them walk just in a nappy or dress them in loose-fitting cotton clothing that is breathable and doesn't stick to their skin.

6. Keep them entertained

During times of illness is when I do allow for some screentime - their kids tablets are packed away and are only brought out for travel or for times like this and also shows such as CBBC and Cartoonito become a godsend. Once your child is starting to feel a little better than have a few easy crafts planned such as baking a "get better cake" or painting and drawing, don't do anything to active and energy exurting in the early stages

7. Medicate

Now being someone who much prefers natural remedies but having gone through a rather extreme case with my eldest I would say that if your child is struggling with the itching or pain then consider either Paracetamol for the pain (but NOT ibuprofen as this can worsen symptoms) or Antihistamines for the itching. Of course if you are really concerned then do consult your doctor.

8. Venturing outside to Unpopulated places

When you are over the worst of it and your all suffering from cabin fever than venturing out to unpopulated places such as forest trails or empty beaches can be an option. Of course you don't want to pass it onto anyone else but as long as you go somewhere very quiet you should be okay.

Chickepox is one of those things that takes a while to get over, means a lot of time indoors and unfortunately it's often just waiting it out but you can help relieve the symptoms and encourage naturally healthy and within no time your little ones will be back to themselves again.


I was asked to share my experience and tips in collaboration with Virasoothe, however, my views are my own. 

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  1. I remember my son having chicken pox, its not fun! Good to know you can get a soothing gel to help the itch

    1. No fun at all!! I am really prepared for when it happens again

      Laura x

  2. My friend's baby has chickenpox at the moment and we are keeping our distance as I don't want our baby to have it just yet. Great tips for when the times comes! :)

    1. Yes avoid if you can, I think they cope with it better when they are a little older

      Laura x


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