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Warrior Women Events Cardiff

Support women

There has been a long-overdue wave of change in Cardiff over the past year for creative women starting their own businesses. For years it's been a bit stop-start in the city when it comes to well organised all-women gatherings for the more creative types and making a space for like minded women to come together, swap ideas, support each other and build on both social and working relationships. Considering Cardiff is a small city and has a lot to offer in term of freelancers, makers, designers and digital workers it's great to see events like this starting to pop up over the city. Starting a business or deciding to go freelance can be a scary step to take and often we are juggling more than one ball especially if you have a growing family or external responsibilities which is why I feel it's so important to surround yourself with an empowering and encouraging community and that is what these Warrior Women events intend to do.

Being someone who is self employed, runs my blog and social media services as a small business and comes from a creative background having studied photography at University these meet ups naturally appeal to me and I am finding it fantastic to connect and network with local creators in Cardiff  and South Wales that has been up to this point a little difficult to do. So I recently popped down to the Warrior Women's Career Club in Pontcanna, hosted at the very cool kids lifestyle store Barney and Beau. Firstly the weather was gorgeous which meant being able to sit outside, drink some bubbly and mingle as well as listen to the very inspiring speakers who are paving a way forward for women in their field.

women in business

The speakers - Welsh Girl Problems - social media and merch, Tamzin Proctor - online personal coach, Sian Gunney - pr consultant and Beckidy a social media freelancer. I found the speakers particularly interesting as even though they were in different fields that all use social media heavily for work, income and promoting their services and I feel even if your a small business making real products, craft or foodie goods you still need to harness social media if you want success even locally.

The general atmosphere was welcoming, friendly and it was easy to chat and network with other creatives no matter what their field of work was. Warrior Women events also puts on a pop-up supper club once a month and from what i've read they are a fantastic mix of delicious food, inspiring talks and discussions and of course bubbly. I plan to go to one of their supper clubs soon as nothing beats good food and good company if you ask me. Check out more of their events over on their Facebook page and if you are interested get in their early as tickets often sell out.


I was offered a ticket in exchange to cover the event. I genuinely love what Warrior Women Events are doing and will be attending more in the future 

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  1. Sounds like a wonderful event for female creatives! I wish there were more things like this near me.

    1. It was really good, relax and nice to network with others as well as being inspiring. Why not organise one for your own community?

      Laura x

  2. It sounds like such a great event. It's wonderful to meet up with like minded freelancers and exchange ideas.

    1. Yes it's a really good idea to come together with like minded people even if it's just for support

      Laura x

  3. Sounds like a great event. I always like meeting like mind people. I always come away feeling a buzz and positive x

  4. This looks awesome, I’m just setting up my own aesthetic business. This sounds really positive and empowering, I could do with a confidence boost of support and advice so I’d love to attend the next one if/when there is one.

  5. Great delivery. Great arguments. Keep up the good effort.

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