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My morning Elixir

Fruit and veg juice

So far this year has been somewhat up and down for me in terms of health and wellbeing. At the end of last year I felt really burnt out both physically and emotionally after nearly 3yrs of interrupted sleep as we have struggled to get my youngest to sleep through the night (something which is still problematic) as well as extended breastfeeding, working, juggling motherhood, sleep deprivation and losing some people very close to me to cancer. Well the time has come to work on myself because it really is true that as mothers we tend to look after everyone else's needs before our own.

I think making small changes in the home is really important because these are more doable for the long term. I am going to bed a bit earlier each night so should my youngest wake, which he does 90% of the time, I at least got in a few hours before being woken. Also getting outdoors at every opportunity as the fresh air I find really helps put things in perspective. I am also working on being more organised for the day ahead as this saves so much time and stress than rushing in the morning. But my biggest focus is improving what I eat and drink. Now I have always had a healthy diet, packed with fruit and veg and I have always kept myself fit and active but as my iron levels dipped so did my fatigue which only added to how tired I was already feeling and because of this I have been making less time to prepare better meals for myself - that needs to change.


I am focusing on how I start the day, with a light breakfast and a nutrient dense freshly made fruit and veg juice which is packed with minerals and vitamins. This morning elixir is my favorite and best of all both of my kids love it too so its a really nice easy way to get more veg into my children.

Here is how to make your own morning Elixir to get you going each day

2 Carrots
2 Apples
3 Small easily peelers
1/2 cucumber
1 celery stick

This should make enough for two decent servings and what you have left over just pop into the fridge for the next morning ready to go. I feel when it comes to juice making your own is far superior to buying it in the shop as there is no filler or concentrate, preservatives or additives but just whole fruit juice. I have had my juicer for about 2yrs now and it's been a godsend because the kids love to get involved in the juicing process and they are always very keen to try what we make meaning we have had fun experimenting with fruit and veg combinations.

Morning routine

What is your morning routine like? Do you start the day calm and with a regular routine or do you feel its rushed and need to work on making it a healthier start to the day? If your interested I also have a healthy skin boosting juice recipe here.

Associated Post 

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  1. I love this! I am all about a healthy start in the morning and I struggle with eating a large breakfast so I tend to stick with juices and smoothies- I am going to try this recipe out tomorrow! Thanks for sharing :)

    1. I find it I start healthy in the morning I am more likely to continue that throughout the day

      Laura x

  2. Your juice sounds delicious. That is a great way to get vitamins in the morning. I have a smoothie every day at breakfast and I love it. I would also add some superfoods powders, a different one each day.

    1. Ohh smoothies are great as well and can be so delicious

      Laura x

  3. I love your elixir plan. My day is usually hectic, but I usually take the time to do yoga.

    1. I think just taking a little bit of time wether it be to make a healthy juice or salad or do some yoga is really important

      Laura x

  4. Ive never thought about a smoothie with those ingredients in it. Will have to try it

  5. Oooooh this looks delicious! I usually have a green smoothie for breakfast, but I never switch it up - always the same few ingredients. Looks like I've found something to mix my mornings up a little bit. ;) Definitely keen to give this a try! xx

  6. God that juice sounds delish Laura... i wish i was organised enough to make juice in the morning. I am lucky if i grab a coffee before leaving the house and that's only if Emlyn has brewed a pot already! I always have good intentions with juicers but the faff of cleaning i can't even.


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