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How to Stay Connected While travelling

Looking across London

We travel a fairly regularly, usually on city breaks or to self catering staycations or further afield with at least one or two glamping trips thrown in each summer. What I have learnt is no matter wether it's a luxury hotel or a yurt in the middle of nowhere you really cannot reply on wifi, reception or being able to efficiently charge your phone and laptop. There have been countless amount of times when I have not been able to access both free and paid for wifi at hotels (queue major frustration) or we have been on long train trips and the plug at the bottom of the seat doesn't work. The thing is especially when it comes to phones they are no longer just a phone it's a Map, GPS, our main source of communication as well as the ability to search, change or book accommodation while on the road so having a full battery and preferably some wifi is always key.

nomad lifestyle

We recently went to a festival, we had been to this same one two years ago and despite there being a charging points, during the three days there wasn't one free station no matter how long we waitied but this time we came prepared. I packed two small power banks which would give one full charge and then a bigger power bank that would give just over two full charges and these just gave us enough tech juice to keep both John and I up and running throughout the festival, which was a godsend really especially when we would get split up and it was such a large site and with two small children you want to be able to keep in touch.

When it comes to wifi if we are on a short city break that's usually fine, I always take my laptop with me but it's not the end of the world if I cannot get online for day or two, the problem comes in when your travelling for a longer time, work doesn't stop so the need to be able to keep up today in the evenings is a must and if this cannot happen due to unreliable connection it can cause a lot of stress. One option is investing in a mobile dongle to prevent this from happening while on our adventures although I wanted to explore more options. This has made me think a lot about the simple preparation we can take to help us stay connected (unless of course you are on a technology break holiday) in 5 easy steps.

mobile phone

1. Always pack your extra chargers and International adaptors

Yes this may seem really obvious but I know I've left my chargers at home before when I have packed in a rush and even though most hotels now have usb chargers in the room thats not always the case. Do your research before hand and make sure you have the right International adaptor if you are going overseas and when packing I have a section of my luggage specifically for tech accessories where I pack at least one phone charger, laptop charge and usb to mini USB port.

2. Carry a portable power bank.

I think it's a good idea to have a small power bank in your daily bag as these are very useful when you suddenly find your battery nearly flat. They do take a while to charge but they are extremely compact although usually don't do more than one charge but if your just out for a day trip these are perfect. You can also get iPhone charger cases which fit conveniently onto your phone and automatically power down with your phone is at full charge meaning you can go a whole day without worrying at all.

charging backpack

3. Consider investing in a Power Backpack

I recently came across these fantastic smart backpacks which hold a powerful charging base that can charge multiple devices at one time and is perfect for those heading off on a road trip, festival or camping where you are going to be away from a power point for a few days. The backpacks are also strong and spacious, water-proof and double up as luggage which is great for any adventure.

4. Rent a Mobile Dongle

If you know you are going to be travelling to a place where wifi will be unreliable and you really cannot go without than why not rent a mobile dongle. Of course you can buy one but this gives a more flexible option. Tep Wireless offer some great options for portable fast broadband which can be hired for any duration and used worldwide

5. Research where you are going.

If you want to save costs it's worth researching your destinations to see if your accommodation has reliable wifi and if not are their any cafes or coffeeshops nearby that would allow you to get online and keep up to date with emails, social media or any other pressing work, all while enjoying a good cup of jojo.

travelling advice

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  1. Some great tips, some I wouldn't of thought of. I normally carry a lot of spare batteries and adaptors. Mostly for my phone, I like to be able to be connected that way in case of emergencies.

    1. Yes little portable power banks are good to pop in the handbag as well

      Laura x

  2. Taking power banks with you is very important as you never know when you wont be able to get to an actual charging station

  3. Great ideas - We went to a festival this summer too and power banks were our saviour! Kaz x

  4. This is such a handy post! I depend on my portable charger when travelling because I'd be lost without Google Maps or Citymapper!

  5. These are great tips! My phone uses up power SO quickly it's ridiculous! So I always carry a portable power bank in my handbag!

  6. The backpack is brilliant, I've not seen one before but definitely want One now. I always have the little portable powerbanks and chargers with me. Hiring a dongle is a great idea. There's nothing more annoying than hotel wifi that doesn't work.

  7. It's remarkable designed for me to have a site, which is useful
    in support of my experience. thanks admin

  8. I find power banks so useful and as they are generally tiny it's easy to keep in a bag. Just have to remember the cable!

  9. My power bank has been such a lifesaver! Not just to charge up my phone either but really useful for charging my cameras on the go!

  10. Ooh great tips, thank you. I am constantly running out of charge, all the time and I really need to come up with some solutions. I love the idea of portable power banks.

  11. I don't know why I still haven't learned to pack extra charge / batterypacks! I run out every time haha!


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