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Be A part of the Worlds Biggest Coffee Morning

Drinking coffee

If you read my blog regularly you will know I am passionate about supporting and raising fund for charities that really deserve it, especially as many of these charities offer help to so many in different ways and often rely on donations to keep going. They do say charity starts at home and during this post recession time it can be hard to feel like your able to give much towards a fundraising campaign but this doesn't have to be the case. M&S have partnered with Macmillan for the 8th year in a row to support the Worlds Biggest Coffee morning and who doesn't enjoy a cup of coffee (or tea) and a slice of cake, the great thing is this time all the profits go to Macmillan. This way everyone can get involved, have fun and contribute towards Macmillan Cancer support, a charity that offers such an important service to those going through a difficult time.


There are plenty of coffee mornings happening this week all over the UK as part of the campaign including ones in-store at M&S who are hosting them nationwide and you can use this map to see which is your closest one. They are also donating 10% of sales from their Macmillan baking mixes, limited edition range of Macmillan homeware items and 5p from every host drink and slice of cake sold in their cafes during the month of September. These extra donations have enabled M&S to raise and extra £10 million for the charity over the past 7yrs. 

coffee and cake

Having had two close friends fighting cancer over the past two years I know how important it is to do our bit and make a difference wether big or small as it all really helps and the more people who join in the better. There is still time or organise and host your own coffee morning but if not why not do check out the M&S map to find one happening near you, grab a few friends and head over for a coffee, chat and bite of some lovely cake and remember it's all for a good cause and I cannot think of a better way to spend a Friday 

I am working with M&S to encourage people to take part in Macmillan Worlds Biggest Coffee Morning 

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  1. This is such a fun fund raising initiative - everyone loves tea and cake!

  2. I think that the Coffee Morning is such a great idea. I had no idea that there was a map so that you can see which is closest. My brother's girlfriend's mom always has one so we will prob travel there like we always do.

  3. This looks so good! It gave me a christmas vibe :-)

  4. The coffee mornings are a great way to raise awareness of and money for Macmillan.
    I organised and hosted one for local parent bloggers last year actually. All of us had people in our lives who had been affected by cancer. I'm so sorry about your friends. X

  5. Definitely doing this! i love coffee and supporting causes, so this makes it the perfect initiative. Thank you for sharing!

  6. This is such a good cause and a fun way to help raise money - I have hosted a few charity fundraising coffee mornings, so I need to put this date in my diary :)

  7. What a lovely event for such a worthy cause! Tea, cake and coffee... what a wonderful way to raise money and awareness!

  8. I love the Macmillan coffee mornings, such a great way to raise money!

  9. Such a great cause and the perfect way to raise money. I will be there!

  10. Amazing idea to help raise money. Moreover, it's a great way to make something special and memorable out of routine things that everyone does every day.

  11. Great idea to raise money. I will have to check the one closest to me.

  12. Very worthy. Plus, you know, cake and coffee. Lovely way to spend a morning :)

  13. Fantastic idea isn't it, I have seen this grow and grow over the past few years. I hope lots of money is raised

  14. I love these coffee mornings and was looking for an M&S one close to me but didn't find one. Thanks for sharing this I love the work Macmillan has been doing all of these years


Lovely comments