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Savouring Simplicity with The National Trust

National Trust

Last year we made the very wise decision of becoming National Trust members, it was about time because we have visited some many NT properties over the past couple of years we would of saved loads had we been members. Deciding to join was probably one of the best decisions I've made for our whole family in the past year, in fact its a god send for me. I am passionate about the boys having natural childhood and proving a playground to grow and develop in, away from novelties and cheap attractions that can occasionally be found at other countryside parks.

wild child

National Trust

What I love about my three local NT properties - Dyffryn Gardens, Tredegar House and Aberdulais Tin works and waterfall is their focus is on the conservation of the areas, bringing them back to life and encouraging children to be apart of that. My boys can be quite a handful, my youngest is in a very active stage of toddlerhood where he is moving a hundred miles an hour but with complete disregard for his own wellbeing so these places offer a safe but wild space for us to connect with nature without modern distractions.

grape vines

National Trust

This week the weather has been pretty dire in Wales, in fact it's not been fantastic since the start of summer but we have made the best of each day, getting out in-between showers (and also get caught in some too). But yesterday there was a point where it had been pouring down all morning, we had exhausted nearly every craft box, colouring book and the TV was on trying to keep to wide eyed boys entertained while I spent an hour picking up lego and puzzle pieces. At this point I just thought we have to get out and to a place that I know is the exact opposite, the simple to the manic, the calm to the storm and that was Dyffryn Gardens. So on went the waterproofs and out we went.

potted plants

pear orchard

We spent arrived fairly late in the day so it was very quite and perfect for us, we had two hours of bliss, running down hills, getting muddy and taking in all the wonderful produce that was growing in the gardens and nearly coming to harvest. We spotted loads of Bear caterpillars which turn into Tiger moths and we also kept our eyes open for butterflies as they are doing a big butterfly count. We were pretty lucky with the weather,  just light showers every now and then which I think had put people off visiting this hidden gem, which meant for a nice quiet afternoon for us.

I wasn't asked by National Trust to write this, we are simply very passionate about what they do and I am so grateful for them providing these spaces that allow simplicity for children and adults to just enjoy nature and nothing else. On  days when the clutter and manic feel never ending escaping to on of their properties is something I am so grateful for.



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  1. We've been members of National Trust for a few years and it's great, there are so many things to see and explore. Now we are between memberships, as we don't have enough time to visit and we are members of English Heritage.

  2. We adore going to NT sites and there is so much diversity between them that you never get bored. they also do living history really well and make it fun and engaging for the kids. Mich x

  3. If we lived on the mainland we would be National Trust members too. So worthwhile, I think. There are no NT areas on my island though

  4. I've been a member of the National Trust for around three years and love visiting new and familiar places! There's so many things to see and explore! It looks like your family had an amazing time!

  5. Huge fans of the NT here, I would rather be out and about exploring with the kids than sat in watching the tv or on their ipads. There's some amazing places to visit!

  6. The National Trust are a fantastic resource for families with younger children, I love the spaces they provide. It's great that despite the weather you braved the elements and just decided to enjoy some fresh air, I bet the boys were much better for it! It's wonderful that you have this resource locally that you can go and visit when you need an escape from everyday life to enjoy the fresh air.

    Thanks for linking up with me on #CountryKids.

  7. It sounds like you had a wonderful day despite the not so good weather. Gorgeous photos. We have thought about getting a National Trust membership but as we don't drive everywhere is well out of the way and would be a couple of bus rides. Ugh. x #CountryKids

  8. We've been National Trust members since I was a baby and it's the best money my folks have spent! We're quite fortunate to have 5 local properties near us! What a beautiful place you visited! Popping over from #CountryKids

  9. Totally agree about making the most of these wonderful places. We're members of the NT too and it is good to go somewhere that makes the most of their natural assets and add little else. I can just imagine how your boys transformed as soon as they were out of the car. #CountryKids

  10. I love the NT. It's so amazing for families - we just live in the worst place in the country for visiting sites! Well done for making the most of the weather!

  11. Great pictures, I might look into this for ourselves think my 2 girls would love looking round these places

  12. These memberships are such a good idea for getting the kids outdoors without having to spend even more money. This place looks fantastic. I know where to come to pick brains for craft ideas now as we haven't got around to those yet. #countrykids

  13. The NT have some fantastic places to visit, i'm not a member but the membership does look very good

  14. We usually go out on great country walks but I've seen so many posts on NT properties that they have inspired me to have a change now and again. #CountryKids

  15. I'd love to go to Tredegar House, been meaning to for years. We went to Dyffryn Gardens a while ago and its a lovely place to wander around and have a picnic.

  16. We love National Trust and fully agreed that the membership is great value for money! It's been a while since we visited Wales & NT gems - Dinefwr castle & gardens and Rhossili Bay were our favourites. Need to come back with the kiddies, thanks a lot for sharing! #CountryKids

  17. We're National Trust members too and love it - they are always great places for a day out and having safe space for the children to explore and run around, whatever the weather is always a good thing. Looks like you enjoyed getting out in spite of the weather :-) #countrykids

  18. We have just rejoined the NT and I'm thinking of taking the kids to our nearest property tomorrow! Such a great thing to have lovely spaces like this for them. #countrykids

  19. We are also National Trust members (thanks to my mum buying it as my birthday present for the past few years) and it is such a welcome relief to have somewhere to run, play and explore nearby. We love our membership, and it is exactly as you have said - the calm after the storm. Getting outside solves so many ills, stops the fights and soothes the meltdowns.

    Thanks so much for joining #daysoutwithatoddler this month - see you in September!

  20. We spent so much of our childhood at National Trust properties. I repeatedly lost my membership card and in those days had to buy a new one, but it still worked out great value. It's just a shame I'm in a bit of a black hole of NT properties where I live now.
    Thank you for joining in with my turn hosting #DaysOutWithAToddler

  21. We love National Trust and fully agreed that the membership is great value for money!


Lovely comments