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The Gratitude List

gratitude list

Oh life can be complicated and manic at times, it can throw you curve balls that knock you off the path you are walking but these curve balls can also offer great perspective amongst the chaos of running after two children, working and keeping a house in fairly decent shape. Over the weekend I lost someone very important to me and instantly the small things that were bothering you fall away and you question why you were even stressing over them in the first place.

It's also made me feel incredibly grateful for the full life I have, the children who certainly keep me on my toes but give me a real sense of purpose and how despite the daily grind have it far better than so many and I reminded myself of this often.

So I wanted to share the small things I have been grateful for this month as gratitude is something that constantly has to be renewed.

1. An early morning coffee to myself - I woke up early one day last week and manage a couple of hours child free. At the moment it's pretty nigh on impossible to go for an evening out as I am still feeding my youngest and he wakes constant during the evening and night so I thought I would try a few hours one morning and it was blissful.

2. Enjoying a small moment of calm amongst the feelings of lose and sadness this weekend over a cup of coffee with my boys.

3. Feeling so grateful we get to d a fair bit of travel and we all really enjoyed our recent trip to London for a few nights. As always one of our favourite cities

4. Taking in all the colours, smells and flowers at The Royal Flower Show in Cardiff a few weeks ago

5. Me and my youngest, we don't actually have that many photos with each other and I love this one, it's a favourite for sure.

6. We explored a new National Trust property - Aberdualias Falls and I love how my eldest still collects sticks with just as much enthusiasm as ever. The best things in life really are free.

7. We spent a calming night at The Vale Hotel near Cardiff this bank holiday. My youngest had spotted a squirrel and was off to have a closer look.

8. Over the Easter holidays we spent time at one of our favourite spots - Dyffyrn Gardens and came across this bell tent. We stayed for a while and set up a mini camp, simple days like this with my boys is what life is for.

9. Parenting is hard, this is a fact! Despite how the media portrays the happy family model and how everything should be. Saying that it's completely worth it and just like the ups the downs should be savoured as well as it just flies by way to fast. Family is awesome and my boys mean the world.

What have you been grateful for this week, month, year?

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  1. I am so sorry for your loss, it knocks the wind out of my sails when it happens but it has pushed me to make the most of each day. Hope you are feeling more positive soon xx

    1. That is so true Kara - looking on the bright side of things is really the way forward

      Laura x

  2. Sorry for your lost. I agree with you that life has so much to offer and we should take the time to appreciate it more often.

  3. I am so sorry to hear about your loss, but I love how you turned everything around and wrote down the small things that can easily get forgotten about. Such a lovely post xx

    1. Thanks so much Shelley and so glad you liked the post

      Laura x

  4. I am so sorry for your loss Laura. I think sometimes we do need to take stock and focus on the positives in life but this can be difficult when something like this has happened.

    1. I think so too, it's so easy to forget all that one has and get caught up in the craziness of life

      Laura x

  5. So sorry for your loss so good to look for all the things to be grateful for at a time like this.

  6. The Royal Flower show sounds like it was very good. Sorry to hear about your loss

    1. The Royal Flower show was lovely, try and go next year

      Laura x


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