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Making Each Day Matter


I have never been that materialistic, from an early age I realised that an evening spent laughing with loved ones was worth more than gold. Ever since I was young I dreamed of dusty roads, music festivals, camping under stars and those intrinsic experiences that would stay with you forever and become the fabric of your being. Before having children I did a lot of self funded travel, working at a variety of backpackers, hostels and hotels, without much of a plan I sought the simple good things and added very little to my backpack I set out with. I have always been a happy seeker being aware that paradise doesn't always last forever and holding onto those sweet perfect moments and knowing when to move on.

twilight hour

Of course settling down and becoming a parent has brought so much joy and happiness but also a lot of compromise, a time to be unselfish, establishing routines and making more stable future plans. The thing is it's very easy to suddenly find yourself going through the motions, saying yes to things when you really mean no and days passing by with little change. The thing is life is short, why keep that bottle of wine for a special occasion that may never come and rather celebrate the now! Marks & Spencer recently did some research and found up to 96% feel we spend our lives on autopilot and I think that something we can all relate too.

I recently wrote a post about gratitude and finding happiness and fulfilment in the small things that make up a day. The one thing I have learnt over the years is it really doesn't have to be grand gestures or far-flung travel plans that make each day matter it's what we do and if that makes us happy, how we approach each day and allowing ourselves to slow down for a moment and appreciate what we have and gasp those moments of pure joy, which are often right under our nose.

brotherly moment

I no longer rush around trying to fit a million things into a short space of time, instead I step back especially when it comes to the boys who love to explore the outdoors. I am fascinated by their growing friendship and sibling relationship and in the quiet moments in the fresh air surrounded by nature these magical moments happen, away from all the "stuff" we surround ourselves with in our daily lives.

In general as a nation we know it's these little moments that are really special yet we don't give ourselves enough time to embrace them fully. I know especially after becoming a parent it's really important to practise self care as well as be present and as in the moment as possible. If there is something getting you down on a daily basis make time to address that. If your feeling out of touch with the things you used to do try and make time to do them again even if this is to find 5 minutes to read a book or listen to some records.


As small as these things may seem some of my favourite moments of the day are biting into a fresh juicy apple, a quiet cup of coffee on those rare occasions I have to myself and even rarer mornings I get to lie in. Listening to my vinyl and dancing in the living room with the kids, making time to play my guitar, being pulled in by a good book and whizzing up milkshakes on a hot day. One thing I noticed is none of these things involve a screen which seems to take a lot of my time up these days and with that Marks & Spencer are calling for change, for a little self-analysis starting on the 1st of June for Make It Matter day - a national day we're they asking people to take a moment to think about what really matters. They will be holding events in store on these days and you can also check our their inspiring video all about the Make it Happen movement.

I have been asked by Marks & Spencer to share my #SpendItWell journey and I encourage you to do the same. This is something I am really passionate about, being grateful for the small things in live #Ad

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  1. I love this! I find making each day matter goes hand in hand with mindfulness, taking the time to be in the moment and appreciating it. I love your outlook on life. :-)

    Musings & More

    1. Thanks so much! The smalls things in life really are important

      Laura x

  2. I've been trying to savour things more and live life a little slowere. I don't always succeed, but I do try.

    1. I think as long as we try and work on being grateful and mindful we are doing something right

      Laura x

  3. This is such a beautifully written post. It really is the little things that we do each day that bring us joy that are what really matters in our lives. Slowing down and enjoying the special moments with our children who will only be children for a short time is one of the most important things in my life.

    1. Thanks so much Jessica. I know children literally grow up in front of our eyes, important to be mindful of the moment

      Laura x

  4. The key to happiness is definitely in appreciating the small things, as we can't always have the big things as it's just not practical. If it's all about the next big holiday, you will spend a long time unhappy

    1. I totally agree Zena, even when it's hard to see it's important to put things into perspective and slow down

      Laura x

  5. It must be crazy how quickly the time passes when your kids are growing up!

    1. So crazy Kacie - like time in fast forward

      Laura x

  6. This sounds like a really great initiative, especially given the events of this week.

    1. Really fantastic campaign and initiative - they are also helping local charities to encourage healthy happy living

      Laura x

  7. I love this campaign - and the TV ad is BRILLIANT. I've got a friend who actually left her job after seeing that advert and is MUCH happier as a result.


Lovely comments