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Kids Style for All Weathers

Middy Puddles jacket

If you are a regular reader to my blog you will know we believe in spending time outdoors everyday no matter what the weather (well except storms or Gail force wind) but to do that you need to be prepared and dress suitably which is easier said than done when it comes to kids and clothes that are both practical, stylish and long lasting. If your kids are anything like mine and love to run and jump, climb and basically get covered in mud than you need something that is kid-proof so we were really excited to collaborate with Muddy Puddles again as we really loved their summer waterproof jacket from last season.

This time my eldest is putting the Puddleflex jacket to the test and it's great for these slightly colder months as it's lined with a light fleece adding an extra layer of warmth on these wintery days.

Tredegar house

wild child

As some of you may already know I am on a minimalism mission and we are collectively trying to reduce, re-use and only invest in good quality long lasting items and clothing for our home, kids and ourselves. Luckily I have two boys which means that everything that was still in good wearable condition from my eldest has made it's way back down to our youngest so today he is sporting an outfit completely made of up cycled clothes. By reusing clothes is also means we are bringing less into our home and is just one of the small ways you can be a little bit more sustainable.

kids fashion

By investing in decent clothes the first time around it's meant that have been given a new lease of life with our youngest as well as saving us money and I know that my eldest Muddy Puddles waterproof jacket will come in handy in a few years as well. Baby G is wearing a Ben Sherman parka, Fred Perry polo shirt and Mini Club jeans with Vans shoes. 

Kids style

Would you like to comment?

  1. They look great, Laura. Practical and useful but nice too! Thumbs up!

  2. My girls love their Muddy Puddles jackets. And yes, my youngest wears all the clothes her sister's long since outgrown, if they've made it past the "Is it in decent enough shape to keep" question. Seems like common sense to me!

  3. These are really lovely. We've had some Muddy Puddles stuff before and it lasts really well.

  4. They look adorable in their coats - certainly need waterproofs in this weather

  5. These look so smart and lightweight. I need a new one for Ophelia x

  6. They look great, I really love Baby Gs parka, they always look cool no matter what your age x


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