If you love exploring the outdoors as much as we do then you will know how important it is to have the right equipment to keep yourself warm and dry over the colder months and this of course doesn't just mean for yourself but also for your children. Investing in well made clothes is really the most sustainable way to shop as they will last longer meaning less waste and having to replace them as often.
The Scandinavians have this down to a tee by keeping the need for fully waterproof kids clothing that is also fun, well designed and on trend and doesn't sacrifice on any of these things. I always believe that as long as you are dressed with the weather in mind it really doesn't matter if it's going to rain because you will be well prepared and as long as you have a decent jacket and pair of wellies than whatever you have underneath will be protected, especially if your planning on going somewhere a little smarter after a muddy afternoon walk.
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My youngest in a Joules outdoor all in one |
Clothes also form an essential part of who a young person is and being practical doesn't mean you have to sacrifice style and when a child (and Adult) feels good about what he or she is wearing, self-esteem and confidence usually comes along with it. There are many different types of designer children’s clothing that will suit nearly any occasion, and these are outfits that you will be proud as a parent to send your child out into the world with knowing they are made to last.
Quality matters
While you might not necessarily care about the brand that your child wears, keep in mind that quality over quantity is always the best way to go and pick products that are made to last. Children can be rough on clothes, so spending a bit more now will pay off in the long run and you don't even have to purchase them new, looking on sites such as eBay around this time of the year is a really good idea with lots of people selling clothes that have not been used for half the price.
Quality matters
While you might not necessarily care about the brand that your child wears, keep in mind that quality over quantity is always the best way to go and pick products that are made to last. Children can be rough on clothes, so spending a bit more now will pay off in the long run and you don't even have to purchase them new, looking on sites such as eBay around this time of the year is a really good idea with lots of people selling clothes that have not been used for half the price.
So if your planning some outdoor fun this winter then I would recommend getting -
1. A really good pair of Wellies - Clarks and Boden are good options although Sainsbury's had some fantastic outdoor boots this year as well
2. A proper waterproof jacket - Kozi Kids, Muddy Puddles and Patagonia both have an excellent range.
3. Either Fishermans waterproof trousers or pull over waterproofs
4. For little ones an all in one is a good idea. We picked up one from Joules for my eldest which we have passed down to our youngest. Regatta also do a good price point puddle suit.
5. Don't forget those extra accessories which help to keep little ones warm and comfortable such as snow proof gloves, warm cozy hats and a good scarf and if it's really chilly then you can layer up with some thermals.
Top tip - if your going to invest in a good jacket then why not size up to ensure it lasts at least two seasons.
Supported post
I always buy coats for myself which are one size too big so I can wear a jumper underneath comfortably x
ReplyDeleteThats such a great tip and perfect for layering as well
DeleteLaura x
Nice post
ReplyDeleteI like the purple jacket worn by the kid <3
Thanks so much Meenal :)
DeleteLaura x
I've seen kids out in those all in one suits before during wet days and thought they looked awesome, I just wish they did adult versions
ReplyDeleteMel ★ http://www.meleaglestone.co.uk
I definately think that good quality clothes are a must. Especially a good pair of wellies x
ReplyDeleteI agree that it's good to have the right clothing to get outdoors in all weathers! I also like JoJo Maman Bebe for outdoors and weatherproof clothing for the kids. And you can never have too many wellies!
ReplyDeleteI have a couple of snow suits for Snappy, both are probably too big but if needs them he'll manage lol
ReplyDeleteI love the saying 'there's no such thing as bad weather, only the wrong clothing'. Good wellies and waterproofs are essential in our family! We love getting outdoors whatever the weather x