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Keeping your kids safe online this Winter with Kidslox

screen time

Even though my work revolves around me being online I have some serious anxiety when it comes to my children having access to the internet whether it be through educational apps or simply discovering things on YouTube I am not at ease with it all. We didn't have a tablet for years, in fact I think my eldest was about 5 when we first got one and while I can certainly see the educational benefits as well as being very handy on long trips or even when you just need half an hour to get something done in the house the length of time children can get sucked into tablets is scary as well as how open the internet can be, perhaps I am just a little controlling but it's my kids wellbeing I have at heart. Thats where Kidslox comes in, a parental control app which allows you to have control without hovering over your children and still allowing them a sense of space. I recently put the app to the test to see if it helped to put my mind at rest while they use our tablet and this is what I thought.

Parental control app

Firstly the app works on both IOS and Android and in a nut shell allows you to not only block certain content but also any apps of your choosing. They also have built in timers so you can lock down the tablet or phone or set the amount of time you want to allow them to have online without any arguments or trying to pry it back from out of their hands. The app is also childproofed in that you are the only one who has a password to the app so they themselves cannot access the controls and change the settings.

learning online

What I really like about the app is how user friendly it is and extremely easy to set up. Apps that are overly complicated really put me off and I lose the will to give them a go properly but this was certainly not the case with Kidslox, in fact within a few minutes I had it all up and running.
I also really like how the settings can only be accessed by those who know the password and that you only need one account for as many devices as you want. Besides being able to block content I found the timer feature especially useful as with most parents my son doesn't quite understand the concept of 30mins and this also helps teach him time and personal responsibility and making most of the time you have.

The holidays and Christmas time is often when we are most busy, rushing around everywhere and children during these times often have a little more screen time than usual than Kidslox will give you that peace of mind. You can try out a free 14 day trial and after that is £2.99 per month.

Thanks for Kidslox for inviting me to try out their service 

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  1. Interesting. Will have to look into it. I could use something like this.

  2. sounds good Laura! I kind of think every parent needs some parental control solution

    1. I totally agree! It's a really useful app

      LAura x

  3. I think I will need to try this 14 free trial. I get worried when my kids go on YouTube.

    1. Me too Stella - the 14 days gives you a good enough idea if it will work for you

      Laura x

  4. It sounds like a good idea. How dos it work with YouTube? I have a lot of friends whose kids really enjoy YouTube and have also discovered how easy it is to get to 'odd' content from licking from a cat video! Would be interesting to see how it covers that.

    1. I think you can do stricter content settings for youtube because yes it's so easy to stumble across things that are not that appropriate for children

      Laura x

  5. This sounds like such a good idea. I am sure it is so easy to just forget about safeguarding online and it is quite a hot topic right now x

    1. I cant be really easy to forget and with tablets being so easy to use children can stumble across content that is really not that appropriate

  6. This sounds great! I do worry about how much kids are exposed to online these days! xo

  7. I like the timer idea. Our don is too little to know what 30 mins is but as you've found it might help!

  8. This sounds fab, always a relief that it's easy to set up too!

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  10. This sounds like a good app to have. When it comes to online content, is the app consistent? What i mean by that is, does it block all adult content or does it start blocking ridiculous things too. I have a contract on my phone with 02 and until very recently it had a parental control block on it. Getting it lifted was easier said than done. I told them in the store how ridiculous it was imposing it on all users, this sort of thing should be opt in. It wasn't just blocking adult content on 3G but was actually blocking stuff that shouldn't be blocked. It even blocked a drug awareness website too. If anything, kids should be aware of drugs, they need to know what that stuff does to them and how to avoid it.

    So my question is, does Kidslox get inconsistent with the stuff it blocks or is it pretty good with the content.

    1. It's really good Hannah because you pick what is blocked and what is allowed - it gives you the controls

      Laura x

  11. I worry about internet safety for my kids a lot! They are growing up in such a different world to us. Great to see this kind of product exists.

  12. This sounds like a great app. My girls are almost five and occasionally use our iPad and phones to go on you tube kids, but I do worry about when they're older and have access to more on the web x

  13. This is great! I never knew Internet safety would be something I'd have to think about but our children are learning at such a young age that it's important we learn how to keep them safe (before their knowledge outgrows our own!) xx

  14. My daughter is 9 and this would be perfect for her (and us). Will have a look into it, thank you!


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