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Getting Back into the Workforce after Kids

Having children is without a doubt be one of the greatest moments you will ever experience as not only will it change your life for the better but also bring a whole new dimension to your world. From the moment they are born you will have incredible highs but equally some lows, compromises will certainly be made by everyone and this only becomes every more apparent as time goes on.

Suddenly stopping work in order to have kids and then spend time looking after them can be a shock to the system and often sooner or later most parents want to regain some kind of independence back and eventually go back to work, especially if you left a career you have spent years working to build up and it's not surprising to hear that studies have shown that having children directly contributes to the gap between the pay of men and women.

I found that becoming a mother brought out a lot of things I didn't know about myself such as the ability to multi-task, organise, keep going even when I was completely dead on my feet from lack of sleep and it showed me how much strength and tenacity I really had. After having children you may not be inclined to go back to doing the same job as you did before, your outlook may be different and perhaps you want to embark on a new challenge. You may feel like you want something with more flexibly or creativity or perhaps having time off has given you the space to reflect on what really makes you happy so now may be the time to consider a new career that will work better for your family life.

If you are seeking to return to your previous career after having children, you will need to be mindful that you only have a restricted period of maternity or paternity leave, which will need to be abided by.
When you decide to pursue a new career, you can create your own timetable rather than being given a deadline as when to return to work. I know personally it became very apparently rather quickly that going back to my previous role, even though I had studied at University for it just wouldn't work for me anymore.

There are many benefits that can be gained from seeking a new career after kids including:

Better life-work balance
Flexible hours
Possibility to work from home
Learning a new skill
Widening your friendship circle

Training for a new career can mean that the sudden change to your routine that occurs when you have kids is less of a shock to the system. It can also provide you with something else to focus on that is just for you and learning a new skill set can also be really empowering even if you don't intend to seek employment straight away. 

Whether you decided to undertake a college course, online learning or hands-on training you want to make sure you invest your money with a company or training organisation that has many years of experience which provides professional assistance and reassurance in regards to the training your are receiving as well as industry knowledge in the area you are trying to pursue whether you want to return to work part time or want to jump straight back in you want a provider that can help you find a suitable training course for you.

Consider all the pros and cons and, as part of his process, determine whether it is worthwhile undertaking some further training to update your existing skills, which can also help give you peace of mind if you feel like you have missed something during maternity or paternity leave.

Even though I work from home I found getting back into things quite an emotional rollercoaster as it's natural to feel torn between wanting to spend time with your children but also doing something you love that provides you with some financial freedom but getting back into work will allow you to demonstrate to your children what a healthy work ethic looks like.

Training in a career that gives you more flexibility will give you the best of both worlds, allowing you to spend time with your family as well as being able to work and earn a salary that will allow you to contribute to the family finances. All you need do to begin your road to a new career is to visit which is a great place to start if your looking for flexible online learning.

This is an associated post 

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  1. Flexibility has become so important to me since becoming a mum. I went freelance before I had children, but always in the back of my mind I knew my previous full-time job would not have been possible to combine with children. A lot of my friends have changed careers or retrained since having children, seeking a better work-life balance. x

  2. Interesting and very useful post!

  3. I changed career after having children as I needed something more flexible and it was the best thing that I ever did!

  4. So true about wanting to re-evaluate after having kids. After I had Joni, who I knew would be my last, I felt this urgency to do something fulfilling with my life and find a new career direction. I think it's quite a common thing. In that way, we're quite's like we're given a second chance to decide what we wanna be when we grow up! :)

  5. This is a great post! I have a few friends who are going to be getting back into work soon, so I'd love to share this with them :)

  6. I really enjoyed reading your post. I thought your post was beautifully written. Thank you very much.


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