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Travel essentials - Staying Safe in the Sun

As we wave goodbye to summer and start getting our heads around the idea that Autumn is almost on our doorstep we still need to take precautions when it comes to the sun and looking after our skin, especially if you are planning a winter sun break abroad. In the south of Wales it's been very up and down recently with some unseasonal hot and sunny days and these abnormally sunny spells are what catch people out. Like most parents in the UK as soon as the clouds part we are out the door, exploring everything the Welsh coastline has to offer but just because we are now in the latter stages of summer it doesn't mean you can't burn and therefore precautions still have to be made if your planning a couple of hours outdoors or even a short break in the coming half term, home or away.

Having grown up in South Africa we often had talks and lectures on the importance of sun care as skin cancer is a real problem there which is no surprise as Cape Town, my hometown, has very long and hot summers and mild winters. I spent many many days surfing and topping up my tan on the beaches and especially in my teenage years I have to admit I rarely used sun cream, something which has certainly changed over the years as not only do I want to make sure my skin stays safe from burning (and premature again) but also my children's soft and sensitive skin.

The problem is, like most, we all have a pet peeve towards sticky sandy skin, especially my youngest who doesn't like anything sticking to him which is a bit of a problem when going down to the beach and using standard suncream as immediately every grain of sand stays on you. So I was excited to see that Garnier Ambre Solaire has brought out two new products that not only combat the sticky sand situation but also a lotion that can be applied to wet skin which is perfect when your kids are running and jumping in over waves or into a pool.

When it comes to travelling wether it be a day trip locally or a Holiday in a foreign country practicality is always key and if something doesn't work I am certainly not going to carry it around with me all day so I was keen to put these two products to the test. Firstly the Anti-sand spray is very easy to apply and absorbs very quickly and didn't seem to irritate either of my little ones skin. It really did seem to stop the sand from sticking and is also water resistant and is great to use on my younger boy, while my eldest enjoys water and you can't keep him still for long so the wet skin lotion is great for children who don't have the patience to wait around as it can be applied on both wet and dry skin and again absorbs instantly. Both products are hypoallergenic, 50+ SPF and have been tested under paediatric control.

We are hoping to make a break for the sun either just before or just after Christmas to possibly Morocco, Croatia or Greece, which will mean lots of sunshine and lots of time spent on the beach and I know I will be packing these sun creams. Just also remember if you are going to be heading to a hot destination soon keep hydrated, avoid midday sun and remember to apply your sun cream, especially children as you only need to burn three times to increase your chances of getting skin cancer in the future.


  I was kindly gifted these products for the purpose of a honest review 

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  1. I am so glad more people are raising awareness, it is really sad that people think it is okay to just wear suncreen when the sun is out x

  2. I always pack loads of sun cream, always more than I need just in case. Fab post x

  3. I've tried these products and liked them a lot. How fab that the sun cream doesn't stick to sand. High protection too, you can always rely on Garnier


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