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Learning, labels and morning hacks for busy parents


This September has been a very exciting, emotional and equally daunting month for us as a family, not only is it a double birthday month as both my eldest and myself turn a year older but also our eldest is going to school, yes thats right school! If you are a regular reader of my blog you will know we have homeschooled our nearly 6yr old up to this point so you may ask why the change, why now? Well we have always approach learning with an open mind and this decision has been a family one with everyones feelings and emotions being accounted for and we feel this is the right decision for our dynamic as it stands right now, I will be sharing more about our decision and change in direction on a separate post very soon.

This has also been the first year things like uniform and stationary have had any real impact or meaning to us as is an efficient morning routine involving two kids dressed and out the door at a specific time and things like the idea of labelling clothing, shoes and all the other items that go along with a child going to school has never been on my mind before. Suddenly so much to do and not much time and I can see how it could easily become overwhelming which is why products that make your life little easier of key at times like this.

Back to school

One of first Back to School hacks I have discovered has been Stikins - they are AMAZING! I have found when I have written my eldest name in his waterproof jackets or shirts they quickly fade in the wash and I simply don't have time to sew loads of labels into each jumper or jersey. Stikins from Label planet send you printed adhesive labels which are really sticky and long lasting and pretty much bond to every kind of fabric and material without the need to iron, they are also extremely reasonable in cost at £6 for 30 labels including postage. They are also perfect for lunch boxes, folders or even favourite toys should you have little ones attending playgroups.

school shoes

I put these to the test by putting two label in my sons shoes and getting him to wear them out and about for two days to see if the labels dislodge or faded in anyway and I am happy to say they stayed put with no fade, which is just what you want. So simple and such a time saver and here are a few more things that are working for us at the moment in terms of time saving morning hacks for when time is of the essence.

1. Organisation is key - have your car keys by the front door (I always seem to lose mine), have the children clothes ready as well as your own, meaning you can just get up, get ready and go with minimal drama.

2. Have some back up "breakfast on the go" options such as homemade healthy bran muffins so if you are running late you know your child won't be going to school on an empty stomach.

3. Keep the morning time simple and screen free, this way things say relaxed without over stimulating your little ones which could lead to meltdowns.

4. Stay calm and breath - personally I find if I'm stressed it certainly has a knock-on affect with the kids. Even if your in a rush try and stay calm because as we all know kids will go the pace of a snail if they know you are running late.

I hope everyone has had a positive and happy start to the school year and if you have any hacks that help you to get out and to school in one piece please do share.

Thanks to Stikins for providing us with labels to review and make our start to the school year that little bit easier. 

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  1. Definitely some points to remember if I ever have kids!

    Nicola //

  2. Lots of helpful tips there! Thanks for sharing :)

  3. Some fab points included there, guess I should implement some.

  4. Great tips - with four children I have the morning mayhem down to a fine art! Kaz x

  5. Some nice tips! I was so surprised how stressful I found the morning school run when we first started.. it does get easier with practice I think!

  6. Those labels just brought back so much nostalgia from when I was in school! Definitely important to have everything labeled! I definitely need on-the-go breakfast ready!

  7. These are some fabulous tips, the labels are suuper important! x

  8. These labels remind me of when I was in school!

  9. Those Stikins are an absolutely fabulous idea. My mam would have loved those when I was at school! xxx


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