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A Dad's Guide to Learning Online

As a dad, going back to school may be something that you never saw yourself doing. Perhaps you’ve graduated from college and are already working in your dream career and have decided to further your education in order to pursue a promotion, or maybe you never went to college after graduating from high school and have decided that you want to go back and get a degree in order to be able to work your way up the career ladder and be financially better off. Whatever your reasons for returning to the classroom, mature students – especially parents – face a lot of different challenges.

When I was pregnant with our youngest child John was very unhappy with his role as a shop manager, there was no way to progress and his hours had actually been reduced due to the recession so we both felt it was a good time to go back to college and retrain in a profession he had wanted to get into for years. Luckily he excelled in Barbering and had a real naturally talent and has not looked back and it was the best decision he made. He actually went to college but there are plenty of online courses if you work full-time and that’s why we’ve put together this handy guide for dads who are thinking about going back to school. 

Learning Options

If you’re working full time and don’t want to miss out on precious time with your children, you might be wondering how you’re going to manage fitting studying in around your day-to-day life without making any drastic changes. Luckily, online learning courses are available at all levels, so whether you are thinking about re-doing your high school diploma, taking a bachelor’s degree course or a more advanced degree such as the DNP online (doctorate in nursing practice) from Bradley University, there will be something available for you. 

Why Study Online?

Studying online is a very popular option for dads – and moms! – who want to return to education for whatever reason. By enrolling on an online course, you can be assured of a level of flexibility and control over your own schedule that you certainly would not be offered if you were to take a traditional, classroom-based course instead. This allows you to plan your own study schedule to fit around your work and family life, making it more possible for you to continue working full-time if needed and still tuck your kids into bed at night and read them a story before heading off to your study to catch up on your latest academic topic. Moreover, many certifications nowadays, such as a project management diploma online, could increase your potential earnings and competitiveness.

Financial Factors

When you’re a dad, earning money is essential in order to provide for your family and make sure that your kids have the best that you can offer. When deciding to return to education, it’s understandable that many dads worry about the financial implications – after all, education is renowned to be expensive, and you still want to be able to put food on the table. This is just another reason as to why online courses are great for dads, whether you want to do an English degree or become a doctor of nursing practice. Online courses often have lower tuition fees, and since you carry out most of the work at home, there’s no need to spend extra money on gas to commute to classes. Many online courses will also provide you with free resources, saving you even more of your hard-earned dollars when it comes to buying books!

For many dads who are looking to further their education, online learning is the perfect solution, as it allows you to fit your learning schedule around your family life and study in a way that suits you best.

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  1. I am glad there is the opportunity to learn online as well as the more traditional methods x

    1. I totally agree! So much flexibility these days it's great

      Laura x

  2. I love the fact that Online Learning is becoming more and more recognised nowadays! Not everyone has the time and money to go to an actual university. Both Matt & I have looked at online courses recently in order to better ourselves.

    Laura x x x

    Laura x x x

    1. I know it makes learning and gaining new skill so much more accessible

      Laura x


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