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Winter Warriors with Kozi Kids

forest fun

As you may already know we truly love the outdoors, growing up in a warm country meant that my childhood was pretty much spent barefoot running around in the garden which was on the slopes of table mountain, climbing rocks, trees and basically enjoying a wild and free existence. Life however is not exactly the same here, in rather wet and windy Wales but I certainly won't let that damped our sense of adventure, it simple means we have to be more prepared.

The lovely people at Kozi Kids - a Swedish outdoor kids clothing company sent my eldest, Mr A a Alaska Parka Jacket which is both warm and waterproof and for Baby G a Snowflake Baby Snow-suit which is both breathable and water resistant. These are both from their winter collection and will see us through the colder months of winter and spring and I love the ethos that by having the right kind of clothing your children are able to enjoy nature no matter what the weather.

Kofi Kidz

We have had loads of mini outdoor adventures the past two months but one of my favourites, possibly because now Baby G is walking with real confidence was a recent trip to one of our favourite spots - St Fagans, to collect pinecones, sticks, bark and whatever else we could find for our nature table. 
We have also been recently getting into bird watching and came across a very friendly Robin Redbreast as well as spotting some Blue Tits, Magpies, Chaffinches and what we think was a Wren.

Bird watching

natural childhood

With Home Schooling we are lucky enough to be able to go during the week, when it's nice and quiet and means we can take our time and spend a few hours exploring one place. We had a packed lunch with us and enjoyed stomping through some mud, looking out for different kinds of fungi and wild mushrooms (although we have a strict don't touch policy) as well as making a little pit stop at the bakery within the grounds.

Welsh cottage

natural childhood

Even though it was very chilly we all noted the change in the surroundings, buds are starting to form on branches, the day is staying lighter until later and things seem to be moving a little quicker these days as we slowly approach spring and lots more adventures.

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall
Thanks to Kozi Kidz for sending us these beautiful jackets to review

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  1. A lovely looking day out and definitely the advantage of homeschooling, furthermore even trips like this are educational. So lovely to see your youngest walking, it is going to make such a difference to your summer adventures this year. Thank you for sharing with me on #CountryKids

  2. Such lovely pictures! We love the great outdoors too and that coat is just perfect for adventures #countrykids

  3. Looks like so much fun and those jackets are amazing

    Joe x

  4. A fab day out. Love how colour coordinated their outfits are. The snowsuit is so gorgeous. I love it x

  5. Lovely post and great pictures. We like to get out and about whatever the weather also so I will have to check out the weatherproof coats your sons are wearing. x

  6. Lovely post and I love what they're wearing too! Looks like a lovely family day out xx

  7. Ahhh my best friend is from Cape Town and grew up literally at the foot of Table Mountain. I really want to go, it looks so beautiful. I've been looking into homeschooling our little one too, it must be so lovely to get to choose where and when you go to places during the week. Your pictures are so beautiful, it looks like an amazing place to visit and kozi kidz clothes are so perfect for helping you stay outdoors whatever the weather. Thank you so much for sharing your adventures with #whatevertheweather x

  8. You must have had a fantastic childhood in South Aftica, definitely a little different to the temperature here! Beautiful photos of your children, love the red parka, it really suits him. The snowflake snowsuit is very sweet on your littlest. I love our Kozi Kidz outdoor wear, they have been brilliant for the winter. Thanks so much for linking up to #Whatevertheweather :) x


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