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An Italian dream


Everyone has a wish list or dreams they want to see be fulfilled, I have always liked the idea of having a place to call my own overseas, maybe because I am an expat living in the UK but my mind and soul always wonders to thoughts of warmer Mediterranean climates such as the stunning countryside and coast of Italy. I am not one who needs to put down roots, in fact I like the feeling of freedom which is why a property overseas suits my longterm ideals as it could be a bolt hole or a building project, just somewhere different or inspiring.

So why Italy? Well I have been lucky enough to do some travelling around this truly beautiful country with main highlights being Venice, Milan and Bologna but I hope to go back soon and explore Tuscany and the South more.

Wine Italy

There is something so right about the Italian lifestyle, the food, wine, long lazy warm summer days spent eating outside with friends and the strong family community feel. I think it would be the perfect place to invest in and in a dream world I would love to buy a Tuscan farmhouse where the kids could run free in the fresh air day after day but in reality I would be more than happy with a studio apartment in the old town of a hill side village.

Italian landscape

The architecture and interior style is also a major factor in why this would be the dream place for me personally to spend some extended time, in fact this would be the perfect place to retire. It's such a historically rich part of the world and the idea of having a tumble down villa with archways inside to restore would be a dream come true.

Of course if you are planning to purchase a property overseas you need to go through the correct channels - it's hard enough buying in the UK but when your first language is not that of the country you are making the purchase it's even harder. My Tuscany Villas provide the perfect gap as they are English speaking estate agents based in Italy and help with everything from mortgage advice, restoration work and every aspect of relocating.

If you could have a second home anywhere in the world where would it be? Would you go for a warmer claimant or rather opt for the drastic landscapes of places such as Canada or Scandinavia or would a bustling city like New York be your preference?

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  1. Oooo, a second home. Well, Paris would be good. That said, Tuscany also appeals. My experiences of travelling around Italy are minimal but Tuscany looks like a truly beautiful destination that appeals to the country boy in me.

  2. How I would love to live your Italian dream. How about I just get a home in every single country that would be fun!

  3. I'm all for a warmer climate. I've only been to venice in Italy which I loved. I would love to go to soooo many places there. I love the wine and food. x


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