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Styling the Christmas table for Kids

Wooden plate

So this year we have one more plate to add to the table as this time last year I was heavily pregnant with Baby G and now he is here and gobbling down food with much enthusiasm. It's made me think how we can make the Christmas table a fun and interesting as well as a really child friendly place to sit and enjoy the festivities. 

I mentioned these super cute wooden kids plates from Blue Brontide in my Ultimate Christmas Gift Guide and cannot get enough of them and both the boys are going to have a surprise this Christmas day when they see them for the first time.

Christmas table

We really want to make them both feel comfortable and a part of the day so I thought I would share a few tips on how to make your Christmas table baby and child friendly.

1. Have fun with the table decorations, add lots of colour and don't put anything too precious within arms reach as you don't want any breakages dampening the day.

2. Make their seating area extra special by adding some cute plates, child friendly cutlery and drinking glasses such as a mason jar. Do make sure the eating area ha some decent lighting so kids can see what they are doing, especially if like us you are doing baby-led weaning.

3. Put together an alcohol-free punch or sparkling apple juice so they can join in with the "cheers", something my eldest loves to do.

4. Have some simple games such as playing cards or colouring in on hand to keep them at their seats while the adults finish their main and before dessert arrives. 

5. Just keep them involved, let them pull the first crackers and don't worry if they don't eat that much food due to all the excitement, the main thing is to enjoy the afternoon as much as possible. 

I honestly believe you cannot be to over prepared for Christmas and all the small touches are what make the day extra special. Lots of fresh cut holly and mistletoe add colour and a wonderful scent and tea lights well out of the way of little hands also add atmosphere and all you need then is good food, great company and lots of laughter.

Are you hosting a Christmas party or are you going to family and friends this year? 

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  1. What fantastic ideas! I love the idea of having child centred styling, you've insider me to rethink my toddler's place setting now!

  2. Those plates are so cute and some great tips for keeping everyone happy on the big day. Have a wonderful Christmas with the family! x

    1. I know they are super cute aren't they :)

      Laura x

  3. Those plates look awesome. I like how you have decorated the table for the kids x

  4. Goodness me you are very prepared - can I come? :) Your kids are going to have a fabulous time, and how exciting for baby G, first Christmas (not that Baby G will remember much of it, of course, when older ;)) Some great tips here for those with small kids - sadly mine are now a bit too grown up. Tx

  5. Gosh those plates are adorable! I don't even have children and I want them in my kitchen! x


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