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This Homeschooling life

Wow how did a whole month fly by so quickly? We have been so busy with the changing of the seasons and have been celebrating everything that Autumn has to offer with most days being spent outside. Half term also happened which means we also have a bit of a break and any "formal" learning went out the window and we did a whole lot more hands on activities during the dry weather

We enjoyed pumpkin carving in the Park, worm charming and apple pressing at Forest Farm Nature Reserve as well as Autumn crafts, wild art and being apart of a Spider survey which involved recording all our spider finds as well as coming across some earwigs and snails. Mr A has also shown a big interest in Bird watching and we actually spotted two beautiful Kingfishers over the weekend which was a real highlight

Another thing we have enjoyed lately is cooking together, something which Mr A seems to have a love hate relationship with, he is not a big eater and rather fussy and at times can be very enthusiastic about helping me out in the kitchen while at other times has no interest but he helped chop some veggies, stir, pour and dish up a wonderful supper with our Hello Fresh box as well as some delicious Gingerbread men using the healthy wholegrain mixes from SweetPea Pantry - we always cook from scratch but I think with both of these having all the ingredients provided in the right measurements took out some of the stress making the cooking process more fun and easier for little ones to join in with.

We have of course been carrying on with reading and writing skills and have decided to work on some season workbooks with our most recent one being all about Pumpkins, as well as animal, spider and owl crafts and indulging in an all time favourite - Castles and knights.

The main theme in our house however has been enjoying the outdoors before the real cold weather sets in, taking time as a family. We are also gearing up for a little off-grid adventure this weekend with Canopy & Stars to just well, get away from it all before the mania of Christmas begins.

If you are a homeschooler or home educator please come and join in with our monthly linkup and share what you have been getting up to so we can continue to inspire each other

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  1. that little owl is just adorible!

    Umber x

  2. Looks like you've really embraced the outdoors theme this month. You've done some fab activities and crafting. Very jealous of your weekend away with canopy and stars. Hope you have a fab time xx

    1. Thanks Kerry, yes been very busy lately :)

      Laura x

  3. Love this! Your photography is beautiful. I love the owl!!! We have jsut started homeschoolnig so I will link up soon!!! xxx

    1. Hi Kelly - thats great news, hope too see you join in with the linky soon

      Laura x

  4. Looking like a lot of fun going on in your lives right now. I'm in love with your toilet roll owl, this is definitely adding to my growing toilet roll crafts for next season's Activity Hour. I hope Mr A carries on with his bird watching too, I'm sure I spent hours with the Observers book of birds at around his age! Thank you for sharing some lovely autumn photos with me on Country Kids.

  5. It looks like you are doing so many wonderful activities with your gorgeous boy and especially with a baby too! well done mama i think it's amazing x

  6. That owl is so cute! It looks like a great month, I really need to get Cherry involved more with cooking I think as she isn't a great eater and it might encourage her to try some new things x


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