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How to supersize your bathroom

freestanding bath
How stunning is this freestanding bath, in a treehouse no less

If you aren’t happy with your bathroom you can always make some subtle changes that make it more functional as well as more attractive. One of the first problems that you should address is the size of your bath. Making your bathroom look larger can help make it a more comfortable room in your home, so make sure your budget allows you to add some features that can dramatically impact the use of the space in your bathroom. Here’s how to supersize your bathroom on any budget so that you can get the most from a small space that isn’t currently working effectively for you, whether you are looking to do a full-scale bathroom redesign, or just make a few small changes that can have a big impact, here are some ideas. 

Begin with the Tub

The bathtub is typically the most expensive part of any bathroom upgrade, so make sure that the one you choose works well in the space you have. If your bath is too large, it wastes space that could be used in a more productive way. You may want to consider using a freestanding bath to open up the floor and wall space; this will make your bathroom look larger than it really is. If you just sit and soak in your tub, a smaller size could still accommodate your bathing needs while freeing up some valuable space. Visit JT Spas to find an excellent selection of freestanding baths that can complement any bathroom decor.

stunning bathroom

Use Corners Effectively

Freestanding baths work well in corners, where normally a lot of space is simply wasted. Keep in mind that simply using the space you have available in a different way can help improve the overall look of your bathroom. You may want to use a corner sink, a vanity designed for use in a corner, or a storage unit that helps to better organise your bathroom and remove any clutter. By artfully using the corners in your bathroom you can create a cohesive feel with a dynamic and unique design that makes the entire room more spacious and appealing.

Your Bathroom Suite

When you are buying an entire bathroom suite you should think small and consider basins and toilets that are functional without using a great deal of space. Think about using a toilet that is wall-hung and round rather than elongated. Keep your design aesthetics in mind and you can use smaller units that function well and still provide your bathroom with an interesting, new look.

bath time toys
We have kept our bathroom suite  simple as we plan to sell

Lighting Improves Functionality

When the goal for your bathroom remodel is to make it appear larger with a more inviting and attractive look, don’t overlook the lighting. Use natural lighting whenever possible to provide a light and airy feeling in the room. To make the room appear larger, use recessed lights and small sconces around any wall-mounted mirrors. Keep in mind your regular grooming tasks and make sure that even if your fixtures are smaller, you still have sufficient light to see what you’re doing. Use attractive colours on walls and the ceiling that reflect the light and your small bathroom will appear much larger than it really is.

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  1. Oh my God, how gorgeous is that bath? I really wish I could have a free standing bath but as I provately rent I'm limited as to what I can do. Such a shame@

  2. I find bathrooms to be the hardest!! Ours is really quite small so its been a case of trying to make the most of a small room.

  3. We desperately need a new bathroom and I spend hours on Pinterest just looking and dreaming about it x

  4. I would love to have a free standing bath in my bathroom. Your other points are great too, I think the right lighting makes a huge difference

  5. My bathroom is tiny, but I know great things could still be done with it! It is on my wish list. Kaz x

  6. Our bathroom is a decent size but I couldn't see us having a bath like this. Don't get me wrong... absolutely LOVE it but I just couldn't see it sitting in our family bathroom LOL Looks too glam LOL
    Great post sugar.
    Charlotte x

  7. I live in rented accommodation so can't really do much to my bathroom. Some great tips, one day I'll hopefully live in my own house and can implement some of these. Especially the free standing tub, have always loved the look of them! X


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