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Water is everything

clean water
We should never take clean water for-granted

This blog, our little space, is a place for positivity and fun, a place to share our adventures around the world and our journey as a growing family but it's also a place for reflection and gratitude. Oh how easy we have it in compared to so many and how truly lucky we are to be living in the UK where everyone at a minimum has access to free, clean and drinkable water - this basic lifeline should not be overlooked.

I always feel that spending 19yrs of my life living in South Africa has given me some kind of insight to how scary poverty can be especially for children who are affected and no one can choose their nationality, no one has a choice over what circumstances they are born into and yet we more than too often see ourselves as individuals not as part of the global human race who need to help and support those less fortunate than ourselves.

I am so grateful for living in a place that clean running water is freely available

So when PumpAid got in touch with us and shared the amazing work this small but inspiring charity does I had to share it with you as they deal with one of the most important basic need that is having access to safe water and a decent toilet as well as educating communities about good hygiene and training them in water pump operation and so far they have made a real impact by installing 9000 pumps allowing 1.35 million people access to safe water but with millions still out there struggling there is still a lot of work to be done.

This week we celebrate World Hand Washing day which I think is a great reminder about how lucky we are to have access to clean water something which I am incredibly grateful for.

I know many of us are not in the position to donate but if you are a little really does go a long way with 90p of each pound going directly to the charities work in Malawi, if you do have a few pounds spare it's a fantastic charity to support - you can Donate Here

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  1. You are exactly right. No one gets to choose the circumstances they are born into and we are so very lucky here. It's good to be reminded of that.

  2. I am so so thankful that we are able to drink straight out of the tap in the UK. I have to admit I still don't do it because my mum was raised in China so she's used to boiling water before drinking it but it's still very reassuring!!

  3. What a wonderful cause, thanks for sharing this with us. It really takes something like this to sit back and realise how very lucky we are with all that we have. x

  4. I totally agree we so easily take safe, clean drinking water for granted when it isn't accessible to many in the developing world. I love the work PumpAid do.

  5. Thanks for highlighting an important message - it's fab we can use of blogs in this way. I am guilty of taking clean water for granted sometimes :-(

  6. Thanks for raising awareness with this great post. Clean water is life.

  7. I can't imagine not having access to cleaning running water - we are so lucky and I definitely often take that for granted.

  8. I will be definitely reading more about the work of this charity, we don't know how lucky we are here in the UK x

  9. Having clean water is so important, it's so shocking that some people don't have access to any.

  10. I've been thinking a lot about this lately, I keep coming across the concept that you can't be really happy unless you learn how to be grateful first. Grateful for the simplest things in life, that we usually take for granted, that a lot of other people in the world don't know, and may never know. Such as easily accessible clean water among other things. Yes, we're so lucky to be in such a fortunately position. Thankyou for bringing attention to this great sounding charity. At Christmas Orlaith and I will choose a few charities to donate to, I'll put this one on my list.

  11. It is so important to appreciate those, seemingly small things that we take for granted. We really are so lucky and even a small amount of money can go such a long way if used properly.

  12. I spend a lot of time moaning about people wasting water, we are so lucky to have access to clean running water and we really should be more grateful x

  13. this is a very good article, we should all be thankful for what we have, xx


  14. You're right, we don't know how lucky we are to have such easy access to basics like water.

  15. Great post - we take so much for granted don't we? We have so much to be thankful for. Kaz x

  16. 100% agree with you hun. I am so grateful that we are fortunate to have fresh running water as and when we want. *LUCKY* is an understatement.
    Great post hun
    Charlotte :D x

  17. Sometimes we need to be reminded of how easy we get things. We do take simple things like water for granted when others really struggle on a daily basis.


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