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This HomeSchooling Life

It's that time of the month again where we invite Home Schoolers or Home Educators (which ever you prefer) to share what they have been getting up to over the past month as well as share our own journey. We have had a bit of a strange but exciting month with Mr A turning 5, as well as celebrating two other birthdays, which has meant a fair amount of cake baking and dancing has gone down in our household. We have also had an amazing start to Autumn in terms of weather which has meant we have spent most of our time outdoors, learning about nature before the cold of winter sets in. This slower and more natural approach has pretty much summed up the last few weeks.

In terms of Home Schooling Mr A also took part in his first sports day with his friends and enjoyed the egg and spoon race  and 50 meter sprint the most. We have also just starting going to a community allotment which encourages children to help out and learn not only about growing fruit and veg but also about team work and how all helping together you can get amazing things done. They had a little open day last Saturday which we enjoyed so much, they made the most amazing raspberry crumble and veggie pizzas all with produce from the garden, the kids also did a spot of pond dipping, laying down compost and making bath bombs for the Christmas fair.

We have also just signed up to the Wild Explorers Club which is an adventure program for kids - each week we are given a different assignment to do have roughly a week to complete it, it's almost like Cub scouts for kids. So far we have had to put together an explorers backpack full of things you may need on a day out, hike on a trail no that many people go on and find the perfect walking stick (which we still need to decorate and customise). This kind of thing is perfect for Mr A and myself who take full advantage of using the outdoors as our base for learning.

When John has his days off we have also been discovering new forest trails, going further afield and making dens and clay faces, as well as allowing for some good family bonding time. Of course not everything is just about running around playing sword fights with sticks, we have also been focusing on The Weather and the Seasons, have been doing our daily workbooks which alternate from English, maths, reading and writing and our main subject this week has been learning about Bee's and making a bug hotel to attract them to our garden as well as anything to do with construction - cities, cranes, building etc.

In terms of extra activities Mr A has taken to bouldering and rock climbing over the last two months and is something we now do weekly as he is very keen, we even surprised him with a pair of rock climbing shoes for his birthday which was the right thing to do as he has progressed a lot since getting them. We have also started to throw ourselves into more crafting project and have a few on the go, hopefully some of them will be finished soon as we can share them with you in the next HomeSchooling Life post and I hope you can come and join in too.

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  1. I always love your photos Laura. This just makes me want to skive off work, grab the kids and go exploring in the woods. Although we did do a bit of this over the weekend anyway. It's really interesting to read about homeschooling as it's not something I am very familiar with. I know that makes me sound like a moron btw! :D

  2. it's lovely to see everyone embracing the outdoors, we have enjoyed den building and collecting fruits, the wild explorers club sounds very interesting x

  3. Ah I must take Cherry rock climbing again,she loved it. Happy Birthday Mr A! Cherry is 5 in a few weeks, I can't believe it. The Wild Explorer's Club sounds amazing! x

  4. Oh, this all sounds amazing! I seriously considered home schooling my children - I have a friend who homeschools her four - but I really wanted them to have a Welsh language education too, and my Welsh is just not good enough for that. I think learning opportunities are everywhere though, and we love days out in the woods, or doing little projects at home etc. It's so lovely to get an insight into your life as a home schooling family x

  5. Wild Explorers clubs sounds so good! I love how active and outdoorsy you all are! Such a mix of activities too.

  6. What a lovely month of creative learning, I love the idea of homeschooling - there's so much to life than the 4 walls of a classroom X

  7. SO much outdoors time - we've really been lacking on this this year for some reason, need to recitfy that!

  8. That is one super cute kid! Also some pretty amazing photography! May have to take my 5 year old brother to this club sounds great!

    Food and Fashion Photographer at


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