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It's time to talk about....Christmas Interiors

Christmas wreath
Adding a few touches to a wreath last year

Yes I know I went and did it..I mentioned the big C word and before you get any ideas I mean Christmas. I know it's early but to be honest once you have kids time just flies by and I find I need to start thinking about it now, in the middle of October to allow myself enough time to get things ready and when you get down to planning the festive period for your family it can actually be quite fun. This is especially true of unearthing the tried and tested Christmas decorations or even going to your local supermarket or garden centre to pick up some a new tree or decorations.

Homemade festive crafts
We love making decorations and crafts at Christmas

There is nothing better than putting your children in to the festive mood by slowly introducing Christmas crafts and bakes and this year I have a few simple homemade gifts planned for Mr A and I to make for friends and family. I’ve also picked up a few ideas over the last years on how to make a Christmas display (be that in your living room or in a dining room) stand out from the crowd and thought I would share that with you so here are a few tips to make your friends and family envious of your display this Christmas:

Be inspired

Think about whether you will stay traditional or go modern by taking a look my Pinterest where I will be sharing lots of Christmas inspiration as well as housetohome.

Christmas table
Our dining room table last year

The Centrepiece

After deciding on the look and feel of your display, the next step is to choose between a natural or an artificial Christmas tree. This will ultimately inform the way you choose to decorate the rest of the room. You can also mix and match - we always have a real tree although last year I did use for the first time an artificial wreath on my dinning room table as it was easy to accessorise and safe for my son at mealtimes.

Create an atmosphere

Now the challenge is to introduce the festive spirit into your home with decorations that reflect both your family and the time of year. Be sure to choose a set of lights that compliment the scene, nothing too over the top as everything should work together, handmade decorations are the great way to add a personal touch as well as get into the spirit of things.

Christmas tree

Add some sparkle

Once you have the core of your decorations in place, it is time to start thinking about adding sparkle to them. There are many ways you can do this - and at a low cost. For example, you could add themed ribbon with contrasting baubles to your tree in order to add elegance to your display.

It may also be an idea to re-purpose some items from home including jewellery or ornaments to add that little bit extra to your own personal masterpiece. You could get creative by using an old food tray and jars to display some vintage decorations in a more original fashion, adding a bit of eccentricity to your home.

Stunning christmas decorations
Stunning glass baubles I came across last year

Tie it all together

Up to this point, all of your decorations should all should reflect an underlying theme. When you add the finishing touches with either a wreath or a stocking, your home should instil that Christmas feeling into the rest of your family.

What look are you going for with your Christmas display this year?

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  1. ah you just reminded me about wreath making last year! that was so much fun x

    1. It was, have been thinking we need to do another day like that

      Laura x

  2. The wreath making was super fun! I love making centre pieces and decorating the table and already taking a peek at crimbo ideas...although super excited about Halloween too! x

    1. Yes getting into both the Halloween and crimbo mood

      Laura x


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