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Being unstoppable with #CrystalSki

I'm sure as soon as you become a parent you develop multi-tasking skills you never knew you had, suddenly not only do you have to take care of yourself but also all of your children and families needs, somehow you are able to function on far less sleep yet in a more efficient way, getting packed lunches done (something I never did before kids), keeping everyone clean, dressed and out of the door in one piece and this is personified when you travel as organisation is much needed to ensure a an enjoyable holiday, in a way you would say you need to be unstoppable, a family on a mission to have fun, which is what we certainly are, so when CrystalSki announced they are looking for a family to work with this year we jumped at the chance to be involved.

Enjoying snowboarding during my Uni days

One of my favourite memories as a child was going to Austria on a skiing holiday when I was 13, I had never really seen snow before as I was living in South Africa at the time and was more excited than usual. We went just before Christmas and up until this point we had always celebrated Christmas under the South African sun so to do something more traditional like log cabins, hot chocolate and big fur trees was a real treat. During our trip I learnt how to Ski with ski school as well as doing a short introduction to snowboarding as I was already a keen surfer and skater at this point. After this holiday I did the odd session here and there at local dry ski slopes and then a snowboarding trip when I was at University to France and enjoyed every second of it and it's something I would love to share with my son who is already very outgoing and sporty. 

Multi tasking mama on a trip in London 

After taking Baby G on his first overseas adventure earlier this year to Holland where we took the ferry and trains across the Netherlands earlier as well as his first camping trip up North and with Mr A turning 5 and being slightly more independent we feel confident to take on any family adventure and its made me think what one day on the slopes together would be like and I think it would go something like this.....

Morning - Wake up, shower, get dressed, make sure the day bags are packed with everything we need for two kids (treats, nappies, water etc) and indulge in some local breakfast delights before getting ready for a day on the slopes. John and the baby would probably have some downtime in the morning and go exploring the local village and shops and indulge in some coffee and retail therapy while I would take Mr A out of the nursery slopes and then dropped him off at his snowboarding school before heading up on some of the runs myself. 

Lunch - We would all meet up for lunch at a local cafe, somewhere that serves traditional food so we could experience some of the culture. We would swap tips and stories about what we had discovered that day before swapping over the kids so John could also get some time on the slopes. John has never been skiing before but did skateboard a fair amount when he was a child and has good balance so I am sure he would pick it up fairly quickly and Mr A & him would be hilarious to watch getting the hang of things on the nursery slopes. 

Afternoon - after we had all had a chance to get active we would come together and spend the afternoon as a family, taking a stroll around the local town, playing in the snow, building a snowman or enjoying impomptu snow fights before getting a warming meal inside us after an action packed day. The evenings would hopefully be spent  up near a warm fire, enjoying some stories before starting all over again the next day. For us the parents it would be non-stop but I know the kids would love every second and thats what parenting is all about, no matter how tired or worn our you are you still love each second because each second spent together as a family on holiday is worth it.

Have you every been skiing before? What are your favourite thing to do on a family holiday?

The two boys enjoying our family adventure in the French Rivera 

This is our entry to become a #CrystalSki Ambassador 

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  1. Hopefully they choose you to become their ambassador, that would be a great gig!

    Buckets & Spades

    1. Thanks Matthew, it certainly would be a fun one :)

  2. Wishing all the best and hope you become an ambassador, I have never been skiing before but would love to one day. Growing up in Zambia I was never exposed to the snow but now living in the UK and hubby from LT we have enough snow places to visit lol

  3. I've never been skiing before but your imagined holiday sounds like a fun day, I hope that you get to do it soon :) x

  4. I have never been skiing sounds like fun though x

  5. Good luck. I hope you get chosen.

    I have never been skiing before on actual snow but I've done it at a ski slope. I hated it. I don't think I'll try for the real thing.

  6. I really do hope you are chosen to be the ambassador, perfect fit in my view x

  7. Despite living in Austria for four years I somehow managed to never once go skiing… I've always wanted to try it though! Sounds like you've got your potential holiday all planned out, I hope it comes true for you, and soon! Stephanie x

  8. I have to admit I have never been skiing before, but it is one of those holidays I have often wondered about. x

  9. I have been skiing once as a teen. I dislocated my hip and had to be carted back to the hotel on a ski mobile thing! Not for me I am afraid - Good Luck, you would be a fab ambassador. Kaz xx

  10. I love skiing!! I've been skiing in Austria too and it was so great. Really hope you get this opportunity :)

  11. I have never been skiing. I am far too clumsy to try it now that I am older, but I do love the snow x

  12. Hope you get to become an ambassador like you wish, I have never been skiing before looks like fun.

  13. Oh gosh I love this little luggages! I went skiing once and its not something for me ;) I am to clumsy ;)

  14. We parents multi task a lot. I wonder how we do it all.

  15. I've not been skiing but my husband loves it and really wants to take the children. Good luck with your entry, I think you would be a great ambassador!

  16. Aaah, sounds fab. I have been skiing a few times in my much younger years. One day, I'd like to go again though.

  17. I've never been into skiing and it was actually on my 'anti-bucket list' as something I'd never want to do in my life but I love the picture of you and it does sound like fun.

  18. I have never been skiing, I've never really fancied it as I'm really clumsy. I think I'd be better at snowboarding as there's only one piece of equipment to contend with. My other half has been skiing a few times and loves it so I think at some stage we'll head out to one of the ski resorts.

    Gorgeous photos of your family :D

    Laura x

  19. hope you get chosen, you're one cool mama!

  20. Lovely photographs. I went skiing with my school when I was 12 and I loved it!

  21. Our little one is only ten weeks and we're still in that- lucky if we get out before midday- phase. I really hope that things will get easier and that we'll be much more equipped to take ourselves on a family holiday next year! I loved skiing when I was younger and would most definitely love to take the family one day...good luck with your entry! xx


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