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Autumn Inspirations

The only thing that makes the end of summer bearable is Autumn in all its cosy country fashion. It's such a visually inspiring month with the leaves changing to beautiful hues of red, brown and orange as well as the fact you can start layering your clothes and justifying 3 cups of hot chocolate in one day.  Just like with spring, I feel the need to clean, make a few changes to the home and get involved with more crafts. I have made a little list of things I want to do this month especially as it also feels like the calm before the storm that is Christmas, Autumn is truly a time to soak up the smaller quieter moments while still enjoying the last few days of fairly mild weather before plummeting into those ice winter temperatures and being a southern hemisphere ex-pat I will never get used to the biting festive season. So here are a few things we are planning to get up to this Autumn

1. Finish decorating all the bedrooms, making them a place you want to lay your head at the end of the day and cuddle under the duvet on cold mornings.

2. Makes soup, lots of soup - yes the season of soup making has arrived and I am truly a fan...bring on the big chunky veg.

3. Sort out my wardrobe - time to bring out the jackets, jumpers and scarfs. I also want to pick up a few keys pieces and introduce more autumnal shades.

4. Makes some wild art with Mr A - we have so many outdoor adventures planned and this is the perfect time of the year to get creative with some leaf rubbing and natural collaging.

5. Collect and play conkers - such a simple pleasure but you cannot celebrate autumn without a few conkers around the house.

6.  Get crafty for Halloween and make a few decorations for the house, as well as work on some festive decorations at the same time.

7. Enjoy lots of Autumn walks and hikes, explore new places.

autumn decorations

What do you have planned for Autumn and what is your favourite season? I have also made a new Autumn inspired Pinterest board come and check it out

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  1. Oh, I love autumn too! All the gorgeous colours of the leaves and a chance to get out my boots. I love boots! I'm also a big fan of soup - can't get enough of it! x

  2. I love my slow cooker in winter and making soup in it is on my to do list this Autumn!

  3. Gorgeous photos. I've laughed to myself whilst reading this as today is my making soup day lol! A great list of things to do. I love all the autumn colours x

  4. I'm actually heading into summer but I loved reading this post.

    Meg | Meghan Silva's Blog
    @MeghanSSilva on Instagram


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