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Wild things and outdoor learning

natural childhood

It's always been really important to me that both my children have a real connection with nature, especially with the way the world is going and technology is truly apart of everyones life it can be easy to overlook the simple and amazing things that happen in nature everyday. Summer is such a fantastic time for learning about different floral and fauna as well as foraging and growing your own fruit and veg and it's a real delight for the senses. We often spend long days out in the woods or country parks trying to expand our knowledge as well as having fun making wild art.


natural childhood

We always make an effort to go outside even when it's raining and both Mr A and I love growing vegetables in our small but perfectly formed vegetable patch. Last year we had a bit of a bumper season successfully growing runner beans, tomatoes, courgettes, onions and aubergine. This year we have focused more on potatoes and herbs and would love to have more space in our next garden for a small poly tunnel. 

forest life

outdoor fun

As Mr A is Home Educated it's really important to find fun and creative ways to learn and the outdoors is the perfect place for that and it's easy to incorporate math challenges (conkers are great for this) or basic science experiments as well as watching things like caterpillars turning into butterflies which is totally magical in itself. Premier Polytunnels have put together a fun little infographic to help inspire some outdoor learning with your little ones and has some fantastic ideas.

An associated post 

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  1. One of the things I'm really strict about is making sure we go outside at least once every day, it's so important and makes everything better even on the terrible days. There's so much to learn from outside isn't there? Even our garden, which isn't really exciting, always has animals (or turtles) and a whole host of interesting things x

    1. So good to hear you try to make sure you go out each day and I totally agree - so much to learn outside

      Laura x

  2. Do you find home educating easy? I would be worried that I wasn't an expert on everything needed. Lovely photos as always

    1. Mellissa - it can be trying at times but there is so many resources and information you can draw on from online and guidance that it's been a great journey so far

      Laura x

  3. Awww your son looks too adorable, in this technologically advanced era we seem to be forgetting about nature and glad you guys aren't I hope when I have kids I will take them to nature parks too

  4. What a great idea! As you know we are home educating too and generally try to include learning into every day activities so anything like this is perfect x

    1. Thanks Jess, I know the outdoors is a great place to learn

      Laura x

  5. It's good to see the kids connected with nature. Kids should spend more time outside than sitting down most of the day in front of the tv x

    1. I know's so easy for them to never go outside these days

      Laura x

  6. I get outside with W each day but I'm a bit terrible for not being 'great' with getting into nature..I'm working on it! x


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