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Picking Blackberries & Celebrating Grandparents

natural childhood

It's that time of the year when it's coming to the end of summer but as the days get little shorter the berries that have been growing all season have become riper and ready to pick. We headed down to a place in Llandaff, near the Taff trail where we picked some last year but unfortunately the harvest was not as fruitful as last time although we still had a lot of fun in the process, especially as my mother and Mr A's grandmother joined us for this little outdoor adventure.


anchor jumper

I feel very lucky that Mr A gets to have active grandparents in his life, who can do things like this, share their knowledge, make crafts, garden, bake and provide a loving environment as well the occasional break for myself. I can't recall either of my grandfathers as the one passed away when I was 3 months old and the other who lived in the UK (I grew up in South Africa) passed when I was 5yrs old, I had met him when I was 3 but cannot remember him. I did have a great relationship with my grandmother who lived to the ripe age of 100 years, although she struggled with mobility in the later years she was great at knitting and sewing also enjoyed travelling and flew out to South Africa a few times to see us, even in her mid eighties.

So when HSL Chairs asked us to be apart of their blogger challenge to celebrate grandparents and all the amazing things they do especially during the long summer holidays, we naturally said yes and Mr A even had a go at a mini vlog about his favourite things to do with his.

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  1. I love going fruit picking! We went to Hendrewennol on the weekend and picked so much fruit! Raspberries, strawberries and blueberries. We've got a lot of raspberry jam now and a fridge full of strawberries and a freezer full of blueberries!

    1. Yes Hendrewennol is a great spot for fruit picking :)

      Laura x

  2. It's so special to have a grandparent involved in our children's lives. My nana is 90 and I love listening to her stories and learning more about my family. Blackberry picking is such a great activity, we have some by the allotment gate that I've just started taking home.

    1. Oh wow it's so nice having a Nana around, mine live to 100 and I miss her, she has such amazing life experience

  3. I've never been berry picking. It does seem a good way to spend the summer days x

  4. we did this the other day and Willf wore the same jumper funny enough! haha! it's such a lovely tradition isn't it x

    1. Thats so funny Fritha!! Yes it's a highlight for the end of summer


Lovely comments