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Wanderlust wish - Koh Samui

Stunning Koh Samui It's Monday and that means my mind is usually wandering off to far flung places and this week I am dreaming of crystal water and white beaches f Thailand and Koh Samui. This island is located off the east coast of the Kra Isthmus, Thailand. It has two basic seasons including rainy and sunny, but there can be rain during the sunny season and plenty of sun during the rainy season. Most people consider February, March and April the best months because they are the driest, but others have visited during the rainy season and had good weather and enjoyed greatly reduced hotel rates. Kids playing in Koh Samui The rainy season is when even the luxury hotels offer budget rates. The rates are as low as 50 percent less. Even though many people know this and plan their travel during September to November, there are still fewer people on the beach, in the nightclubs, restaurants and shopping centers. If you can avoid visiting Koh Samui during the Christmas a......

Skimming stones

As a family we are really working towards slowing down and savouring the simple things in life, it's always really apparent that the fresh air, connecting with nature and exploring our surrounds is the most stress free way to spend time as a family. Last week we decided to walk from the city side of Bute Park to Blackweir which goes through a lovely forested area as well as the chance to skim some stones along the river Taff, as well as watch some kayakers float by. John is pretty good at skimming stones, much better than I am (I have to admit I have never truly mastered it) and he loves showing Mr A. We also spotted a school of minnows in the river. We spent a fair amount of time down by the river, without a care in the world or the need to rush off anywhere as we had brought a little picnic with us. We decided to take a slightly different route back which follows a nature trail and rubbing stamps that you use a crayon to rub different anim......

Top six things to do in Cardiff

Whether it’s raving in an abandoned bank vault, watching top flight international rugby, or getting some fresh air in breath-taking local countryside, Cardiff has a wealth of attractions to offer. The youngest capital in Europe, this vibrant, exciting and affordable city is easily accessible and should be a must-see for any UK resident. If you’re planning a trip there any time soon, this handy guide will give you the low-down on some of the sights and experiences that should be included on any Cardiff itinerary. Having a drink in Cardiff Watch some huge men chase a ball Wales is arguably one of the spiritual homes of rugby (despite what Kiwis, Aussies, Saffas and the English will tell you), and Cardiff is the centre of rugby in Wales. This is largely due to the presence of the impressive Millennium Stadium - the second largest sports venue in the world - which hosts some of the biggest international rugby fixtures in Europe. In fact, this September the Millennium......

Friday Finds - Simple Interiors

Porcelain tumblers on etsy  It's that time of the week again when I pull together a few inspirational pieces and make a little wishlist of things I would like to pick up for the house. It's a strange thing as we are actually trying to get rid of a lot of the things we own and simplify our life but that doesn't mean we won't be replacing things that are a bit chaotic or not what we really want with beautifully designed objects that make our heart sing. I have been browsing Etsy lately and here are a few bits and bobs I love 1. Simple Plant hanger £7.50 2. Natural wooden clock £27.65 3. Look inward hand-stamped spoon £10.70 4. Keep Love Simple printable poster £4.50...

Wild things and outdoor learning

It's always been really important to me that both my children have a real connection with nature, especially with the way the world is going and technology is truly apart of everyones life it can be easy to overlook the simple and amazing things that happen in nature everyday. Summer is such a fantastic time for learning about different floral and fauna as well as foraging and growing your own fruit and veg and it's a real delight for the senses. We often spend long days out in the woods or country parks trying to expand our knowledge as well as having fun making wild art. We always make an effort to go outside even when it's raining and both Mr A and I love growing vegetables in our small but perfectly formed vegetable patch. Last year we had a bit of a bumper season successfully growing runner beans, tomatoes, courgettes, onions and aubergine. This year we have focused more on potatoes and herbs and would love to have more space in our next garden......

Family Travel - going inclusive

We have up until this point always booked our holidays independently and have always made our own way places or booked travel and accommodation separately but now Baby G is 6 months and we have had a pretty miserable summer in terms of weather we are thinking of possibly taking an all inclusive trip to somewhere hot that involves minimal organisation on our part making it as stressless as possible, giving us as much time to relax and soak up some much needed sun. So I thought I would  lay out the pros of going all inclusive... Vacation should be a fun time and it is but sometimes that are a lot of hassles, especially if your travelling overseas. You don’t know where to stay, you don’t know how you’ll get transportation, there are language and currency issues and getting tours and excursions set up without knowing the local terrain is difficult. There’s also not knowing where you’re going to eat your meals and that’s not something you can plan for beforehand, this can al......

Monday interiors - Miffy is 60

The Dutch classic children's character Miffy is 65 years old and to celebrate they have created these cute little wall tiles and as soon as I came across them I just had to share as I love the idea. Just like Miffy these are totally child friendly in terms of being easy to put up, no nails required, can be changed over time and are not only colourful and fun but also waterproof. They are available from Ixxidesign and I hope to pick some up for the boys rooms when we move later this year. ...

Love Water naturally + Giveaway

Water - we really should be drinking more of it and I certainly try and make an effort daily although even for myself who is health conscious, water at times can be a little boring, especially on a lovely summers day when you just want little something extra but without all the sugar and nasties that normal squash crams in. When Stur asked me to have a go at their new sugar and calorie free liquid enhancer that uses all natural fruit and tea flavours combined with 100% of your vitamin C in one serving I thought I would give it a go. It's very lightly sweetened with Stevia, which for those who don't know comes from the Stevia leaf and does not affect blood sugar and with some ice and sliced lemon makes for a really refreshing drink that also tops of your vitamin C which can help reduce tiredness and fatigue. Of course with any of these things you need to aim to have a well balance lifestyle and should still aim to drink as much water as possible but as flavoured wate......

Festival fashion & Secret Sale

So tomorrow we are heading off to the Just So festival which should mean a weekend full of fun, music, outdoor adventures and a little fashion. It's forecast for rain showers on and off during the weekend which means wellies are a must, as well as good waterproof jacket, but a little bit of rain is certainly not going to dampen our spirit and Mr A is so excited, in fact he was up at 7am this morning wanting to pack. The one thing I love about festivals is that it's a chance to capture that carefree feeling that comes with summer, music and good food. It's a seasonal trend I never get bored or tired with and it's something I look forward too so I thought I would put a little inspiration and wish list together from award-winning and stylish UK-based online retailer Psyche which stock some amazing high end brands as well as unique and quirky ones for the whole family. Psyche are among Vogues top 100 Best British shop so you know your not going to be sort of choice wh......

Picking Blackberries & Celebrating Grandparents

It's that time of the year when it's coming to the end of summer but as the days get little shorter the berries that have been growing all season have become riper and ready to pick. We headed down to a place in Llandaff, near the Taff trail where we picked some last year but unfortunately the harvest was not as fruitful as last time although we still had a lot of fun in the process, especially as my mother and Mr A's grandmother joined us for this little outdoor adventure. I feel very lucky that Mr A gets to have active grandparents in his life, who can do things like this, share their knowledge, make crafts, garden, bake and provide a loving environment as well the occasional break for myself. I can't recall either of my grandfathers as the one passed away when I was 3 months old and the other who lived in the UK (I grew up in South Africa) passed when I was 5yrs old, I had met him when I was 3 but cannot remember him. I did have a great relationship......

Off the Beaten Path: Exploring Melbourne’s Laneways

Sunset in Melbourne  Melbourne is the home of Aussie rules football, the film and TV industries, and a major center for literature and street art. Those interested in exploring something unique to Melbourne, and not seen in many other cities, should consider spending a day exploring the various laneways of the city, also known as “arcadeways.” In the early days of the city, the laneways, which date mostly to the Victorian era, consisted of pathways for horses and carts, behind buildings, with roofs later added to protect from the weather. For decades, the untapped potential of these lanes remained dormant, until about 30 years ago when a change in Victoria’s liquor laws spurred a laneway renaissance. Side streets in Melbourne Architect and urban designer Craig Allchin noted in an interview about Melbourne’s unique laneways that the then-newly created “small bar” licenses, originally set up to spur the development of a local casino, alow allowed enterprising Melbu......

Street Style Sunday - Poco Nido

So it's another kids fashion take over on the blog and this week it's all about these lovely printed clothes from Poco Nido who were kind enough to send Baby G this quirky little owl baby grow and super cute soft shoes. Mr A also has some colourful slip ons which come in a mini suitcase which is such a fun way to package them and we really love anything a bit creative or different as boys clothes can be on occasion rather boring which Poco Nido is not. These clothes are really well made, especially the little shoes which are so soft. They also stock some really cute girls clothes including the sweetest little bonnets plus blankets and bibs and there is a pair of high top shoes which I wish they made in adult sizes as! I hop you can come and join in with Street Style Sunday - remember anything fashion related goes, including what you or your kids are wearing or simply what is inspiring you Have also joined up with What my Baby Wore An InL......

A little bit of life

Every month or so I like to look back on our instagram and do a little round up, it's a great way to see what we have been up too in a snapshot, as well as a way to reflect and be grateful for all those little moments. So I thought I would share a few favourites with you 1. The little man is growing so fast and rocking a little number from Mamas & Papas 2. Getting outside and slowing things down..even when the sun is not shining 3. Warmer weather means sandals, I have been enjoying my mint Jelly shoes and we picked up a new pair of crocs for Mr A who refuses to wear shoes at the moment. 4. We are slowly getting the house ready to sell and have been hanging some prints up. 5. Still editing and going through our trip to London and Holland, love this photo of John and Baby G 6. In the field with a floral cap 7. Baby G's favourite place to nap is in my Papoozle sling 8. Have been making some hama bead birds with Mr A 9. Really inspired by this great photographic b......