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What to Wear for a family Outdoor Adventure

family adventure

Everyone loves the summer, and this year we've been pretty fortunate in actually getting to see some real sunshine. The warm days and long nights are perfect for a weekend of outdoor adventures, when you can blow away the cobwebs, unwind from work and partake in some good old fashioned family bonding. But what to wear for said family fun? Being outdoorsy definitely doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice on style.

1. A waterproof

We are in the UK after all, so a waterproof jacket is an absolute must for any outdoor activity. Thankfully, there’s some amazing macs on the market just now for men and women. Make sure it is lightweight and not too loose-fitting -– you want it to be snug to avoid that, ’wearing a tent’ look!

2. Hiking shoes

You only need to wander into any outdoor clothing shop these days to see just how far hiking and climbing shoes have come style-wise since the days of basic clunky brown boots. You’ll find everything from walking sandals to full-duty trekking shoes -– what you need will depend on the level of activity you and the family are planning on doing.

outdoor style

3. Sunglasses

Protect your eyes from the strong UV rays with a cool pair of shades. This is one item really worth spending a bit of money on, as it is about your health as well as looking super styling. And don’t forget about sunglasses for the kids too. They will love wearing them and they have the added bonus of making them look very, very cute.

4. Wellies 

Let’s face it, every British fashionista has a pair of hunter boots lurking in their closet. If you are going anywhere muddy they are an absolute must. The typical festival look for ladies — Barbour jacket, hunter wellies and a little flowery dress — is the ultimate in outdoor fashion, being both practical and feminine at the same time.

5. Dungarees

This year cut-off denim dungarees are everywhere, and perfect for hot days spent walking in the great outdoors or paddling by the sea. Not only comfy, but they have plenty of room for manoeuvring in and plenty of handy pockets!

These five items will set you and your summer wardrobe up for a weekend of fun, whatever the weather. The only other thing that you’ll definitely need this year? Suncream!

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  1. I love how this style post is family orientated ! I can't say that I own a pair of wellies but maybe I should invest in a pair x

  2. You look so snug and warm in this photo x

  3. I really want a Barbour jacket. I love the brand. It's such a shame we can't guarantee sunshine in the British weather

  4. Some great tips here. One important thing I usually forget is an umbrella and i usually forget it when I'm out and it pours down x


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